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memory stream error while playing


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Hi.. seem to have found a strange error when playing.. been playing for a few week on server i set up with the undead leagacy mod. 
In the logs i see:   memory stream error message:

ERR NCSimple_Seriazlizer (ch=0)

EXC Memory stream is not Expandable.


and then i start having problem interacting with the world or just falling trough the world.

If the player logs out he can no longer loging untill i either roll back the char or remove the .map file.


This seems to be a problem if i pick up to many items and the .MAP file connected to the player profile grows beyond 32KB.  What function does the .MAP file have? 
(this is happening for the two most active players). 
If i empty the inventory and then log out and  just remove the map file and log back in the problem stops happening. 

we are currently running on 20.3 but we did have the same problem with the 20.4 version also. 



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I am also having this issue.


I'm not sure the cause.


Once I got this error when I went to pick up my drone. The drone turned into a BDU and I lost my drone.


Second time this happened much later. I was driving my motorcycle when the error suddenly popped up.

Couldn't interact with anything,




Motorcycle was gone, so was drone. Then when I interacted with something, the drone return momentarily, until a like 1min later I got the same error again and couldn't interact with anything.


Lastest_Experimental A20.4 

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I've also had this problem. Steam install, we began playing with A19 about a month before A20 dropped. I set up dedicated A20 server on Linode and a 2nd one at home both (Debian Buster) for 2 teams of 3 friends. I have an hourly cron backing up the Player files just in case. We had no real issues with A20.3 but just upgraded to A20.4 and this issue cropped up. Same error message and hits different players at different times. Ambient sounds drop out (gunfire still there), drone acts as if you are not walking away so does not follow, cannot open boxes but can interact with doors, moving too far from current location and textures (eg. grass) do not fill in and you will fall through the map then crash out.

My "fix" is to copy EOS_hhhhhhh...hhh.* files for the specific play from my backup of previous hour over the existing files. Sometimes we can play for an hour or two before another fail. If there is any log or other data I can provide I will be happy to do so.


My desktop is Ubuntu 20.04 running up to date steam client.

My friends are on Windows 11

Servers: Debian 10, Version: Alpha 20.4 (b42) Compatibility Version: Alpha 20.4, Build: LinuxPlayer 64 Bit

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