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Custom quests from trader

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Hi all, I've been doing a lot of custom things in game recently, and wanted to add new trader quests.

I followed this thread --

exactly as he has it.
But it is not being offered by the trader.

I even went as far as hard coding <!-- all the quests in tier 1 out of the trader list quest --> only having mine in there. Still, it is not showing up.

I can givequest to myself and it works fine.

Any suggestions?

Here is my config

  <insertBefore xpath="/quests/quest_list[@id='trader_quests']">
      <quest id="my_quest">
        <property name="name" value="Go Fetch" />
        <property name="subtitle" value="Just what I wanted!" />
        <property name="description" value="Ive got a hankering for something special" />
        <property name="icon" value="ui_game_symbol_quest" />
        <property name="repeatable" value="true" />
        <property name="category_key" value="quest" />
        <property name="offer" value="Here is my offer" />
        <property name="difficulty" value="easy" />
        <property name="difficulty_tier" value="1" />
        <property name="statement" value="here is my statement" />
        <property name="response" value="here is my response" />
        <property name="login_rally_reset" value="true" />
        <property name="completiontype" value="TurnIn" />
        <property name="completion_key" value="quest_clear_completion" />

    <objective type="FetchKeep" id="resourceYuccaFibers" value="200" phase="1" >
        <property name="phase" value="1" />

    <objective type="ReturnToNPC">
        <property name="phase" value="2" />

    <objective type="InteractWithNPC">
        <property name="phase" value="2" />

    <reward type="Exp" value="1000" />
    <reward type="Item" id="casinoCoin" value="200-500" />
    <reward type="LootItem" id="groupQuestAmmo" ischosen="true" value="1"/>
    <reward type="LootItem" id="groupQuestSchematics" ischosen="true" value="1"/>
    <reward type="LootItem" id="groupQuestMods" ischosen="true" value="1"/>
    <reward type="LootItem" id="groupQuestAmmo,groupQuestSchematics,groupQuestMods" ischosen="true" value="1"/>
    <reward type="LootItem" id="groupQuestAmmo,groupQuestSchematics,groupQuestMods" ischosen="true" value="1"/>

  <append xpath="/quests/quest_list[@id='trader_quests']">
    <quest id="my_quest" />


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Have you tried changing your quest name to tier1_myquest ?


If you notice the ones already in there, they start with tier1, tier2, etc.  This might be how the game knows what tier the quest is.


Not an expert though and haven't tried adding my own custom quests to the traders yet.

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I missed that part (and I even looked)  😳


Couple of additional things to check:

  • Check your config dump files and make sure it is writing in the correct location (should be, but that is something I always check first if something I wrote up is not working correctly).
  • Have you tried in admin mode resetting the quests?
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yeah, configdump quest file is fine, and I did go into admin mode and restocked quests. I even spawned in every trader in a circle and cycled through their quests over and over.. spent almost 14 hours yesterday trying to make this work.


I even went into tier1_fetch quest, hard coded a change to the objective in that quest, saved, relaunched and oddly enough, the tier1 fetch was no longer offered. Im completely baffled

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Wait wait wait wait.... I'm seeing something in the dump...


    <quest id="my_quest"><!--Element appended by: "GHOST Quests"--></quest>

I'm NOT telling my config to do THAT..

Im telling it to do THIS..
<append xpath="/quests/quest_list[@id='trader_quests']"> <quest id="my_quest" /> </append>


No where in that is the </quest> that is being added

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Ok, so I marked out that append part of the code and hard coded my quest in the actual game file to show as...

    <quest_list id="trader_quests">
            <!-- Tier 1 -->
        <quest id="tier1_fetch"/>
        <quest id="tier1_clear"/>
        <quest id="tier1_buried_supplies"/>
            <quest id="my_quest"/>

ConfigDump shows My quest is added in above the quest_list, but still not listing in the trader

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When I get home tonight, I will copy and paste your code into a modlet and run it on my end.  Sometimes I see things better once I do it myself.


I will let you know what I see.

Something I did notice that you need to update is the following:

        <objective type="ReturnToNPC">
            <property name="phase" value="2"/>

        <objective type="InteractWithNPC">
            <property name="phase" value="2"/>


Update it to this instead

        <objective type="ReturnToNPC">
            <property name="phase" value="2"/>
            <property name="nav_object" value="return_to_trader" />

        <objective type="InteractWithNPC">
            <property name="phase" value="2"/>
            <property name="nav_object" value="return_to_trader" />


You are not telling it to go to a specific nav_object, being the trader

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Okay, so I copied the entire tier1_fetch quest, called it my_quest.

changed the property name, etc -- it worked.. showed up in my quest list from the trader..


So.. I decided to change the objectives.. to something simple...ie.

        <objective type="FetchKeep" id="resourceYuccaFibers" value="60" phase="1"/>
        <reward type="Exp" value="50"/>

But it seems if I change ANYTHING with the objectives, it doesn't get listed anymore at the trader.

	  	<quest id="my_quest">
		<property name="name_key" value="my name"/>
		<property name="subtitle" value="fetch stuff"/>
		<property name="description" value="my description"/>
		<property name="icon" value="ui_game_symbol_quest"/>
		<property name="repeatable" value="true"/>
		<property name="category_key" value="quest"/>
		<property name="difficulty" value="easy"/>
		<property name="difficulty_tier" value="1"/>
		<property name="offer_key" value="My Offer"/>
		<property name="statement_key" value="My Statement"/>
		<property name="response_key" value="Gather"/>
		<property name="shareable" value="false"/>
		<objective type="FetchKeep" id="resourceYuccaFibers" value="60" phase="1"/>

		<reward type="Exp" value="50"/>
		<reward type="Item" id="casinoCoin" value="130"/>


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This works 100%


	  	<quest id="my_quest">
		<property name="name_key" value="quest_tier1_myquest"/>
		<property name="subtitle" value="fetch stuff"/>
		<property name="description" value="my description"/>
		<property name="icon" value="ui_game_symbol_quest"/>
		<property name="repeatable" value="true"/>
		<property name="category_key" value="quest"/>
		<property name="difficulty" value="easy"/>
		<property name="difficulty_tier" value="1"/>
		<property name="offer_key" value="My Offer"/>
		<property name="statement_key" value="My Statement"/>
		<property name="response_key" value="Gather"/>
		<property name="shareable" value="false"/>
		<property name="login_rally_reset" value="true" />

		<property name="completiontype" value="TurnIn"/>
		<property name="completion_key" value="quest_fetch_completion"/>

		<objective type="RandomPOIGoto">
			<property name="phase" value="1"/>
			<property name="biome_filter_type" value="SameBiome" />
			<property name="biome_filter" value="burnt_forest" />
			<property name="nav_object" value="quest" />

		<objective type="RallyPoint">
			<property name="phase" value="2"/>
			<property name="nav_object" value="rally" />

		<objective type="FetchFromContainer">
			<property name="phase" value="3"/>
			<property name="quest_item_ID" value="1"/>
			<property name="item_count" value="1"/>
			<property name="default_container" value="cntFetchQuestSatchel"/>
			<property name="nav_object" value="fetch_container" />

		<objective type="POIStayWithin">
			<property name="phase" value="3"/>
			<property name="radius" value="25"/>

		<objective type="ReturnToNPC">
			<property name="phase" value="4"/>
			<property name="nav_object" value="return_to_trader" />

		<objective type="InteractWithNPC">
			<property name="phase" value="4"/>
			<property name="nav_object" value="return_to_trader" />

		<reward type="Exp" value="2500"/>
		<reward type="Item" id="casinoCoin" value="330"/>

		<!--<reward type="LootItem" id="groupQuestTools" ischosen="true" isfixed="true" value="1"/>-->
		<!--<reward type="LootItem" id="groupQuestArmor,groupQuestMedical" ischosen="true" isfixed="true" value="1"/>-->
		<reward type="LootItem" id="groupQuestAmmo" ischosen="true" value="1"/>
		<reward type="LootItem" id="groupQuestSchematics" ischosen="true" value="1"/>
		<reward type="LootItem" id="groupQuestMods" ischosen="true" value="1"/>
		<reward type="LootItem" id="groupQuestAmmo,groupQuestSchematics,groupQuestMods" ischosen="true" value="1"/>
		<reward type="LootItem" id="groupQuestAmmo,groupQuestSchematics,groupQuestMods" ischosen="true" value="1"/>


You'd think if you just changed the objectives, it should work...


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11 minutes ago, xooGHOSToox said:

You'd think if you just changed the objectives, it should work...


Should.  There is probably something simple missing from your code that we need to track down.


FYI, this is a custom quest in my mod that does work

        <quest id="quest_NeedleAndThread">
            <property name="name" value="Z1_Needle and Thread"/>
            <property name="subtitle" value="Gathering materials"/>
            <property name="description" value="Gather cotton and make cloth, you are going to need it"/>
            <property name="icon" value="ui_game_symbol_light_armor"/>
            <property name="category" value="Challenge"/>
            <property name="difficulty" value="veryeasy"/>
            <property name="offer" value="Finish this set of challenges for the Needle and Thread books."/>
            <property name="shareable" value="false"/>

            <objective type="FetchKeep" id="resourceCropCottonPlant" value="35" phase="1"/>
            <objective type="FetchKeep" id="resourceCloth" value="230" phase="1"/>
            <objective type="FetchKeep" id="resourceLeather" value="45" phase="1"/>
            <objective type="FetchKeep" id="resourceScrapPolymers" value="15" phase="1"/>
            <objective type="FetchKeep" id="resourceFeather" value="50" phase="1"/>        
            <objective type="InteractWithNPC">
                <property name="phase" value="2"/>
                <property name="nav_object" value="return_to_trader" />

            <reward type="Item" id="bookNeedleAndThreadLegwear" value="1"/>
            <reward type="Item" id="resourceSewingKit" value="10"/>        


This quest starts by reading a note with it on it, but you turn it in to the trader when you complete it.  Similar objectives to your quest, but mine starts differently.  That is where I think the issue is with your quest.  Maybe add this to the code:

        <objective type="RandomGotoNPC" phase="1">
            <property name="completion_distance" value="20"/>
            <property name="distance" value="350-600"/>
            <property name="nav_object" value="quest" />

        <objective type="RallyPoint">
            <property name="start_mode" value="Create"/>
            <property name="phase" value="2"/>
            <property name="nav_object" value="rally" />


This adds a rally to the quest which will change it slightly (so now a floating yellow exclamation point).  This is from the buried supplies quests.  I don't think this creates the object underground (that is done in phase 3). 


Thinking, I would add those in front of your fetchkeep objectives (and now make it phase 3 and advanced the other steps accordingly).  I probably would reduce the property "distance" (from 350-600) to something closer so you activate the rally marker outside of the trader protection area. 

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Ok, will try that.

I also have the note quests, that you can find in loot, or buy from the trader and those work without any issue.


My goal here is to be able to create simple "Gather items/Fetch" quests you can get from the trader as actual trader quest (without having to buy).
Then after gathering say, 200 plant fibers, returning to him for the reward, and having the 200 plant fibers removed from your inventory.


I know that seems odd, especially how I cant even get this to work as a trader quest.

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So here is my actual quest.xml file...


   <insertBefore xpath="/quests/quest_list[@id='test_quests']">
	  	<quest id="my_quest">
		<property name="name_key" value="my name"/>
		<property name="subtitle" value="fetch stuff"/>
		<property name="description" value="my description"/>
		<property name="icon" value="ui_game_symbol_quest"/>
		<property name="repeatable" value="true"/>
		<property name="category_key" value="challenge"/>
		<property name="difficulty" value="easy"/>
		<property name="difficulty_tier" value="1"/>
		<property name="offer_key" value="My Offer"/>
		<property name="statement_key" value="My Statement"/>
		<property name="response_key" value="Gather"/>
		<property name="shareable" value="false"/>
		<property name="login_rally_reset" value="true" />
		<property name="completiontype" value="TurnIn"/>
		<property name="completion_key" value="quest_fetch_completion"/>

		<objective type="RandomPOIGoto">
			<property name="phase" value="1"/>
			<property name="biome_filter_type" value="SameBiome" />
			<property name="biome_filter" value="burnt_forest" />
			<property name="nav_object" value="quest" />

		<objective type="RallyPoint">
			<property name="phase" value="2"/>
			<property name="nav_object" value="rally" />

		<objective type="FetchFromContainer">
			<property name="phase" value="3"/>
			<property name="quest_item_ID" value="1"/>
			<property name="item_count" value="1"/>
			<property name="default_container" value="cntFetchQuestSatchel"/>
			<property name="nav_object" value="fetch_container" />

		<!-- <objective type="POIStayWithin">
			<property name="phase" value="3"/>
			<property name="radius" value="25"/>
		</objective> -->

		<objective type="FetchKeep" id="resourceYuccaFibers" value="100" phase="4"/>

		<objective type="ReturnToNPC">
			<property name="phase" value="5"/>
			<property name="nav_object" value="return_to_trader" />

		<objective type="InteractWithNPC">
			<property name="phase" value="5"/>
			<property name="nav_object" value="return_to_trader" />

		<reward type="Exp" value="2500"/>
		<reward type="Item" id="casinoCoin" value="330"/>

		<!--<reward type="LootItem" id="groupQuestTools" ischosen="true" isfixed="true" value="1"/>-->
		<!--<reward type="LootItem" id="groupQuestArmor,groupQuestMedical" ischosen="true" isfixed="true" value="1"/>-->
		<reward type="LootItem" id="groupQuestAmmo" ischosen="true" value="1"/>
		<reward type="LootItem" id="groupQuestSchematics" ischosen="true" value="1"/>
		<reward type="LootItem" id="groupQuestMods" ischosen="true" value="1"/>
		<reward type="LootItem" id="groupQuestAmmo,groupQuestSchematics,groupQuestMods" ischosen="true" value="1"/>
		<reward type="LootItem" id="groupQuestAmmo,groupQuestSchematics,groupQuestMods" ischosen="true" value="1"/>

<!--  <append xpath="/quests/quest_list[@id='trader_quests']">
    <quest id="my_quest"/>
  </append> -->

Which is basically a fetch quest except for the name, response, description, etc..  I changed and added in the

        <!-- <objective type="POIStayWithin">
            <property name="phase" value="3"/>
            <property name="radius" value="25"/>
        </objective> -->

        <objective type="FetchKeep" id="resourceYuccaFibers" value="100" phase="4"/>

and changed the phase of ReturnToNPC and InteractWithNPC to phase 5.

Was in the trader list as my name Gather. Accepted quest, went to given POI.. started quest, fetched the quest item, then it told me to gather the plant fibers.
Gathered those, and it said now return to trader, etc...
Did all that, gave me my reward.. Worked
So... This is where I'm at :rofl:
progress??? Kinda


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Ok, so this works..


	  	<quest id="my_quest">
		<property name="name_key" value="quest_tier1_myquest"/>
		<property name="subtitle" value="fetch stuff"/>
		<property name="description" value="my description"/>
		<property name="icon" value="ui_game_symbol_quest"/>
		<property name="repeatable" value="true"/>
		<property name="category_key" value="challenge"/>
		<property name="difficulty" value="easy"/>
		<property name="difficulty_tier" value="1"/>
		<property name="offer_key" value="My Offer"/>
		<property name="statement_key" value="My Statement"/>
		<property name="response_key" value="Gather"/>
		<property name="shareable" value="false"/>
		<property name="login_rally_reset" value="true" />
		<property name="completiontype" value="TurnIn"/>
		<property name="completion_key" value="quest_clear_completion"/>

		<objective type="RandomGotoNPC" phase="1">
			<property name="completion_distance" value="20"/>
			<property name="distance" value="80-100"/>
			<property name="nav_object" value="quest" />

	       <objective type="RallyPoint">
            <property name="start_mode" value="Create"/>
            <property name="phase" value="2"/>
            <property name="nav_object" value="rally" />

		<objective type="FetchKeep" id="resourceYuccaFibers" value="100" phase="3"/>
		<objective type="ReturnToNPC">
			<property name="phase" value="4"/>
			<property name="nav_object" value="return_to_trader" />

		<objective type="InteractWithNPC">
			<property name="phase" value="4"/>
			<property name="nav_object" value="return_to_trader" />

		<reward type="Exp" value="200"/>
		<reward type="Item" id="casinoCoin" value="130"/>
		<reward type="LootItem" id="groupQuestSchematics" ischosen="true" value="1"/>
		<reward type="LootItem" id="groupQuestMods" ischosen="true" value="1"/>
		<reward type="LootItem" id="groupQuestAmmo,groupQuestSchematics,groupQuestMods" ischosen="true" value="1"/>
		<reward type="LootItem" id="groupQuestAmmo,groupQuestSchematics,groupQuestMods" ischosen="true" value="1"/>


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Now the real goal would be to implement one of these two to remove the gathered items...

RemoveItems - Removes the items from the player.
            items_location - The location that is affected by this. (Toolbelt, Backpack, Both, Equipment, All).
            remove_item_tag - The tag of the items you want removed.

ReplaceItems - Replaces the specified items with another item.
            items_location - The location that is affected by this. (Toolbelt, Backpack, Both, Equipment, All).
            replaced_by_item - The item that you replace the tagged items with.
            replace_item_tag - The item tag for the items that should be replaced.

found in game events..

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Can't get any of that to work..

Trying this, but get an error..

        <objective type="Craft">
            <property name="phase" value="4"/>
            <property name="item" value="questItem"/>
            <property name="count" value="1"/>

2022-03-17T18:53:45 296.160 ERR [XUi] Error while updating window group 'crafting:
2022-03-17T18:53:45 296.161 EXC Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at XUiC_CraftingInfoWindow.GetBindingValue

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Having a similar issue. This works:

	<insertBefore xpath="/quests/quest_list[@id='trader_quests']">
		<quest id="test_kg">
			<property name="name_key" value="Test Quest from KG" />
			<property name="subtitle_key" value="Test Quest for Kacey Gellar" />
			<property name="description_key" value="This is a dialog test quest for dev purposes" />
			<property name="icon" value="ui_game_symbol_quest" />
			<property name="category_key" value="quest" />
			<property name="difficulty" value="easy" />
			<property name="offer_key" value="Explore the D-LAMP Facility." />
			<property name="statement_key" value="I don't know how to pick locks, but if you find some, maybe you can get into one of these locked desks and find some more documentation." />
			<property name="response_key" value="Help Kacey Gellar" />

				<objective type="ClosestPOIGoto">
					<property name="distance" value="10"/>
					<property name="phase" value="1"/>

				<objective type="RallyPoint">
					<property name="phase" value="2"/>
					<property name="nav_object" value="rally" />

				<objective type="ClearSleepers">
					<property name="phase" value="3"/>
					<property name="nav_object" value="sleeper_volume"/>

				<objective type="POIStayWithin">
					<property name="phase" value="3"/>
					<property name="radius" value="25"/>

				<objective type="ReturnToNPC">
					<property name="phase" value="4"/>
					<property name="nav_object" value="return_to_trader" />

				<objective type="InteractWithNPC">
					<property name="phase" value="4"/>
					<property name="nav_object" value="return_to_trader" />
			<reward type="Exp" value="3000"/>
			<reward type="Item" id="AECnoteTest01" value="1"/>
			<reward type="Item" id="AECnoteTest02" value="1"/>
			<reward type="Item" id="casinoCoin" value="350"/>
	<insertBefore xpath="/quests/quest_list[@id='trader_quests']">
		<quest_list id="test_kg_quests">
			<quest id="test_kg"/>



However, changing the objectives to something simpler, does not work, and making the quest entry disappear from the dialog options with my custom NPC.

		<quest id="test_kg">
			<property name="name_key" value="Test Quest from KG" />
			<property name="subtitle_key" value="Test Quest for Kacey Gellar" />
			<property name="description_key" value="This is a dialog test quest for dev purposes" />
			<property name="icon" value="ui_game_symbol_quest" />
			<property name="category_key" value="quest" />
			<property name="difficulty" value="easy" />
			<property name="offer_key" value="Explore the D-LAMP Facility." />
			<property name="statement_key" value="I don't know how to pick locks, but if you find some, maybe you can get into one of these locked desks and find some more documentation." />
			<property name="response_key" value="Help Kacey Gellar" />

			<reward type="Exp" value="3000"/>
			<reward type="Item" id="AECnoteTest01" value="1"/>
			<reward type="Item" id="AECnoteTest02" value="1"/>
			<reward type="Item" id="casinoCoin" value="350"/>

Banging my head against the wall trying to figure this out. It seems like changing any of the objectives makes it fail.

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Your item name may be incorrect. It's pulling up the objective type, but having an issue with the item value. Check the value name or replace it with a vanilla item and see if that works.


On 3/17/2022 at 7:59 PM, xooGHOSToox said:

Can't get any of that to work..

Trying this, but get an error..

        <objective type="Craft">
            <property name="phase" value="4"/>
            <property name="item" value="questItem"/>
            <property name="count" value="1"/>

2022-03-17T18:53:45 296.160 ERR [XUi] Error while updating window group 'crafting:
2022-03-17T18:53:45 296.161 EXC Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at XUiC_CraftingInfoWindow.GetBindingValue



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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/16/2022 at 2:24 PM, BFT2020 said:



This quest starts by reading a note with it on it, but you turn it in to the trader when you complete it.  Similar objectives to your quest, but mine starts differently.  That is where I think the issue is with your quest.  Maybe add this to the code:

        <objective type="RandomGotoNPC" phase="1">
            <property name="completion_distance" value="20"/>
            <property name="distance" value="350-600"/>
            <property name="nav_object" value="quest" />

        <objective type="RallyPoint">
            <property name="start_mode" value="Create"/>
            <property name="phase" value="2"/>
            <property name="nav_object" value="rally" />


This adds a rally to the quest which will change it slightly (so now a floating yellow exclamation point).  This is from the buried supplies quests.  I don't think this creates the object underground (that is done in phase 3). 


Thinking, I would add those in front of your fetchkeep objectives (and now make it phase 3 and advanced the other steps accordingly).  I probably would reduce the property "distance" (from 350-600) to something closer so you activate the rally marker outside of the trader protection area. 

So I added the

    <objective type="RandomGotoNPC" phase="1">
            <property name="completion_distance" value="20"/>
            <property name="distance" value="80-100"/>
            <property name="nav_object" value="quest" />

which for ME, gives me a quest starting point of about 88m -- but if anyone else tries it, it wants to start the quest 2.1km away... ??? SO Confused

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Also, using

Gather Supplies ([DECEA3]{rally.distance} {rally.direction}[-])
Gather Supplies ([DECEA3]{quest.distance} {quest.direction}[-])
Gather Supplies ([DECEA3]{goto.distance} {goto.direction}[-])
Gather Supplies ([DECEA3]{treasure.distance} {treasure.direction}[-])

in the localization file, just shows...

Gather Supplies ( word word )
instead of
Gather Supplies (86 m N)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Still stuck on
"which for ME, gives me a quest starting point of about 88m -- but if anyone else tries it, it wants to start the quest 2.1km away... ??? SO Confused "

That is also the case with the 12 note quests you find or buy from the trader. They give ME the proper distance, but everyone else, same spot, 2.1km away.

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