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Comaradery Mod

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Hello, I've been playing around as admin with my server learning how to build and such. Currently I'm using the Sorcery Mod. My group of friends have been polarized because one member, instead of having others learn the necessary skills, decides to build everything. The new guy doesn't have to do a single thing but be handed tools, clothing etc. thus causing a boredom effect and eventually lose interest.


So, I thought, wouldn't it be cool to create a mod that forces people to play as a group. Similar to the Sorcery mod where you pic an elemental path, the same can be done with choosing a building path. If you choose to be the medic, you can only craft medical products, Not weapons, not masonry things, etc.


What do you think?

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I dont know I’d there’s a good way to do this (basically handle a “loafer”) through a mod, as currently everyone is handing them stuff, so they don’t have to work for it. The only “viable” way would be to lock down almost all recipes so they couldn’t even craft a stone axe. But then, if you did this, the people who don’t select “whatever skill unlocks the stone axe” won’t be able to chop up a tree or a box *unless* they loot it, so what is likely to happen is they all complain and the 1 person who can make them has to make them and hand them out (fairly, to everyone). So unless you mess with all the loot tables (and the traders) a person could still just eventually get what they want, or would end up stealing it from others (so everyone has to lock all containers)….


also: repair kits are kinda OP in this situation, as once you get an item from someone, you just have to keep it repaired to keep it forever. So if you lock out the repair kit, that might be painful for everyone. But if you don’t, as soon as someone gives an item away it’s likely always going to be used. I bring this up because the “lazy” person, once they get an pickaxe/axe will be able to mine and harvest all day long and not hand out with the group if they didn’t want to. 


maybe a different approach would be no mod but instead have the group of friends agree to “all build their own bases”. Then they all can barter/loot/buy as they want, but it’s assumed that no one *has* to work with someone else. Make everyone basically work for everything themselves, and not team up for the XP gain when you’re a group. This way also causes everyone to want to put down individual land claims down to protect their base from everyone else just looting it. If everyone (but that one person) agreed to these “nomad style” rules, then that person would have to play along a little bit, if they wanted advanced stuff. Otherwise they would just have to do everything themselves. Odds are people will team up to do quests and stuff, maybe even in smaller groups. Hard to say.  I’m not sure how you would enforce not teaming up for XP unless you are able to mod that out somehow.  Maybe that isn’t required. I don’t know all the things being a “team” grants you over not being a team other than XP and maybe traps not shooting you? There’s some perks that work on being a team. Hmmm.

also: you don’t have to play this all the time, just to “try it out” at the beginning so everyone builds their bases and maybe once you’ve gone through several blood moons. Once everyone has leveled ul and looted/built their own bases, likely then you can all team up and it won’t matter if someone needs a few items. Additionally: you could then have a “everyone gets together and fights the bloodmoon” thing where everyone teams up and goes to a different base each time. This way everyone’s “base” gets to be used by everyone at least once later game, and you can get the late game XP boost from joining up.

Edited by doughphunghus (see edit history)
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