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Anyway to force a Junk Drone to despawn, or teleport a Junk Drone?


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Tl;dr - Is there a command to force a Junk Drone to despawn? Kill command hasn't worked.


Upon loading into one of my saves, I suddenly phased through the Earth and rapidly took damage (like 50-100 per sec). In a panic I alt-f4'd the game and tried reloading the save. I died (apparently twice) and was unable to relocate my backpack. Turns out, for some reason, my body was launched far across the map-- nowhere near where I died. I used DM to try and fly over to where my stuff was shown on the compass, but after going 40km outside of the entire map, I was not getting any closer whatsoever. 


I believe my Drone followed my body when I died and is somewhere near where my backpack is (God knows how far away). I had reason to believe that my Drone was eventually going to fly back to me, as they always do; from the edge of Oblivion, my drone would come home. But after waiting a few hours, it was not appearing to get any closer. In desperation, I tried using the kill command, but that only powers it down; Drones don't die, they just stay powered off until you repair them. 


Is there any way that I can bring my drone back from the void? A teleport command or some way to force despawn? Please I just want to see my drone again. I don't care about the missing loot, I just want my friend back.

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Unfortunately there is not a way to do this. There have been bugs with drones doing what happened to you as well as getting stuck below the map and no one has found a successful method for dealing with it. Someone did request a tool for that but as of yet we don’t have one. I’m sure something will come down the road.

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