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Drohne und Trader


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Hello, is there a mod that sets the language of the drone and the trader to German? Come so clear, but it would be funny for sure.
Thanks in advance


Hallo, gibt es eine Mod, die die Sprache der Drohne und dem Trader auf Deutsch stellt. Komme auch so klar, aber Lustig währe es sicher.

Danke schon mal

Edited by Crater Creator
Please post in English, with translations of other languages in a spoilers tag if desired (see edit history)
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Finally! A chance to use my high-school German. <ahem>... Aaaaand I've forgotten all my high-school German. @%$#.




Hello, is there a mod that sets the language of the drone and the trader to German. Come so clear, but it would be funny for sure.

Thanks in advance



I would be surprised if there was a German audio translation.

Es würde mich wundern, wenn es eine deutsche Audioübersetzung gäbe.


You can ask again in the Mods forum, but use Google translator.

Sie können im

Mods Forum erneut nachfragen, aber verwenden Sie den Google-Übersetzer.


Edited by Crater Creator
quoted post was edited; formatting (see edit history)
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