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Went to play 7 Day to Die on Console today (Series X). My console claimed that it could not load the game due to a corrupted file and insisted that I uninstall and reinstall. Upon trying to reinstall, it shows that there is nothing there to be downloaded from Microsoft. In fact, it states that the game is version


If it's a bug, I thought someone should be aware or it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

That's strange, can't say I've ever experienced that one before. The only technical issue I experience once in awhile is, when quitting the game back to the main menu the game will be stuck on an infinite loading screen. And the only way to fix this is, to quit out of the app entirely and reboot the game from scratch. Other than that I haven't experienced too many issues with the game, my experience with the console port has been mainly positive for the most part.

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