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Changes to Farming - An idea (ncs)


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I get why they were trying to change the mechanic, the farm end game just produced too much food.

The issue is the way they are changing it doesn't really address the problem. The issue is that farming can be used to compound the next harvest.


No matter how much you collect wood and ore, you cannot use that to produce double the amount, and then double again, and again. Same goes for looting.

Farming is the only thing where you can use some of the results to grow more, and just keep doubling it again and again, till your producing huge amounts.

The only way to address that, is to remove seed crafting. (or farm plot crafting)


What would thoughts be if the yield was (2,4,6) crops (alpha 20), and the crop always regrew (alpha 19), but you could only find and buy seeds?

This allows you to grow a farm slowly, makes seeds a valuable find, removes the grinding, etc.

(Might even make the buried supplies 1 more useful. Is it just me, or is buried supplies 1 a waste of time?)

Edited by Dark_Shadow_231
typo (see edit history)
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As an alternative for how to improve the farming in Alpha 20, what if we keep the current system of 2 crops for player harvest, and 50% seed chance, but add in ways to improve that.



1. add in watering farm plots and fertilising them.

Doing either correctly for the seeds life grants a 25% increase in the chance of getting a seed. Now it can be guaranteed with enough work.


2. Skill points in farming do not increase yield, but unlock new recipes.

In addition to existing seed recipes, farming level

  1. automatic watering system. Craft this, place farm plots next to it, fill it with a load of water. Removes the grind of watering
  2. Automatic fertilising system. like above. (maybe as something you add it to it, like the anvil in the forge?)
    When at 100%, the crop will regrow instead of yielding a seed
  3. Automated farming system. (see below)


Automated farming system.

Craft a 5x5 block, which has 16 seeds, (4 seeds of 4 types) built into the recipe (or maybe again like the forge). This is also filled up with water and fertiliser and gas, but this will keep crafting a produce bundle of the crops on its own. Thus automating even the harvesting.


These could be bought at the trader, but their expensive (like a solar collector)



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I suggested something similar to this, but I would be content even with this. Even if went to the extreme and remove farm plot crafting as well.


Another side effect of all this is that, I've read (and sort of experienced) that the seed bundles aren't really worth it as a reward since there is a chance that'll a player will receive mostly useless seeds like cotton, aloe, or the flowers. Even Yucca isn't that desired (depending on how close to a desert the player is). Removing both seed crafting and farm plot crafting would definitely make those bundles more attractive.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/31/2022 at 10:56 AM, Rince said:

Just remove farming and make so you must find wild plants.

That's pretty drastic. There's a fair amount in the game where what is there in the world depletes and you have to become sufficient as you deplete it.

Food would be the most sensible thing to keep that for.

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