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Invert Function For Powered Items Should Be A Thing


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I don't quite understand why there's no ability to invert what a powered item does when it's powered. I'm trying to set up a powered drawbridge so that it's always down until it gets a signal from a motion sensor (I'm using the drawbridge as a giant hatch to close off a vehicle ramp to my bunker). It really makes no sense that you can't, I dunno, hit the powered item with the wiring tool to invert it's behaviour. Really annoying because I wasted a lot of resources and time altering my ramp to suit the drawbridge and means I have to rely on getting out of my 4x4 or gyro to manually open and close the drawer bridge (meaning I have to destroy the powered one I installed already and replace it with the unpowered variety).

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So, an "inverted" turret would only fire when it doesn't receive power? Inverted blade trap the same? Turn off the generator and your traps start running? ;)


Basically, all the electronics are working on a really simple logic, which doesn't really allow for a "not". Would make more sense for doors than traps, but it kinda is what it is.


You can technically overload a generator to turn "something" off when powering up something else, but that's such a hassle I wouldn't try. Even if you get it right at a point


For just functionality, you could make the bridge-door be open by default and only close upon spotting a threat by using cameras to detect zeds, but that's not the point of course, doesn't feel half as nice. It would keep you safe, but just always be open - and you would need a secondary entrance or some fancy setup to open it manually. For that, a camera that detects you opening hatches that block the cameras that spotted the zeds might work, but talk about complicated ... :)

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