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Qestion about DamageModifier


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<append xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[@name='playerMale']/effect_group">
        <passive_effect name="DamageModifier" operation="perc_add" value="1" tags="head"/>

Hi! Is it possible to modify damage to other body parts as above without changing base damage? Like for leftleg, chest itc?

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More than likely (never done it myself).  You should look at the items xml file for armor to see the tag for those bits and then just add it where you want to.


Also, with the code above, you are doubling headshot damage by players at all times.  If you look in the progression xml file, it shows how they do it based on leveling up attributes.

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Thank you very much! I've done this: 


<append xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[@name='playerMale']/effect_group">
        <passive_effect name="DamageModifier" operation="perc_add" value="10" tags="head"/>
        <passive_effect name="DamageModifier" operation="perc_add" value=".1" tags="chest"/>
        <passive_effect name="DamageModifier" operation="perc_add" value=".1" tags="hands"/>
        <passive_effect name="DamageModifier" operation="perc_add" value=".1" tags="legs"/>
        <passive_effect name="DamageModifier" operation="perc_add" value=".1" tags="feet"/>

This work perfectly. All I need now is to add requirements for this to work only with zombies, i gues i can use tags somehow


<requirement tags="head,zombie,walker" />

Whats the proper way to do write this code??




after few more tests it looks like it's not working, only headshots dmg seems to multiply just fine. I've also tried that with no luck. 



<append xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[@name='playerMale']/effect_group">
        <passive_effect name="DamageModifier" operation="perc_add" value="20" tags="head"/>
        <passive_effect name="DamageModifier" operation="perc_add" value=".1" tags="zombie"/>


Edited by Ashariel
new info (see edit history)
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