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Constant freezes and crashes


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Running a random gen world with a friend on one map, and solo on another. I crash and freeze constantly. I have to completely shut down my computer most times now. I actually cant even play the game anymore. I will be fine for 2 hours and then boom 4 crashes in 45 min. its really crazy. I never had a problem with A19 but as soon as I loaded up A20 I'm having trouble left and right. we had my inventory wipe after one crash, my bike wouldn't stop before another, this last crash it reset my character to level one (the map is still the same with all my improvements but I'm level 1 with nothing), OH! and having the bike disappearing under the ground problem. 

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Post your log using pastebin as described in the pinned topic above so we can try getting to the bottom of your crashes. As for the vehicles teleporting underground, it’s a known bug being worked on with a fix hopefully coming in A20.1 patch.

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Alright, I think your issue is that the game is seeing files it doesn’t know what to do with. Usually this happens when there are A19 files still present in your A20 install. Click on the blue banner at the top of the forum and follow the procedure for cleaning old files then uninstalling/reinstalling the game. Unfortunately, you’ll lose all your saves but shouldn’t matter since it’s not playable as is. 

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