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Dedicated Server(home server) A20 issues. (windowsPC)


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Hey guys, first post here as I'm trying to setup my dedicated (windows) server for A20. I had a A19 server up fine and tried to update to A20 without any luck. I have completely wiped my STEAMCMD folder and reinstalled everything FRESH. Still having issues. This is the error message I'm receiving.

2021-12-19T22:17:54 58.319 INF createWorld() done
2021-12-19T22:17:54 58.322 INF Loading players.xml
2021-12-19T22:17:54 58.328 WRN Entry missing 'platform' or 'userid' attribute: <player id="76561198013614993" lastlogin="2021-12-19 18:49:05" />
2021-12-19T22:17:54 58.328 ERR player-entry has missing or invalid user-identifier attributes: <player id="76561198013614993" lastlogin="2021-12-19 18:49:05" />
2021-12-19T22:17:54 58.365 INF Preparing quit
2021-12-19T22:17:54 58.366 INF Disconnect
2021-12-19T22:17:54 58.367 INF [NET] ServerShutdown

there is lots more to the log obviously but I did narrow it down to this. Let me know if any of you know whats going on. Thanks in advance!

Edited by Punkgunzz
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  • Punkgunzz changed the title to Dedicated Server(home server) A20 issues. (windowsPC)

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