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A20 b231 lost trader quest progress


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I have experienced a very annoying bug (at least I think it is a bug) but I need to explain everything in order so you would understand. Today after the update I continued my first game on new pregen 6k map. Trader Jane gave me 2nd Opening routes quest (which should unlock tier 3 quests for everyone) and I headed to the trader Hugh which is located in desert biome. When I came and talked to him the console opened itself and I got a null reference error (which I will quote later + add a log), after that I looked on his quests and there was only tier 1 available. I thought that must be a bug with the trader, sadly all other traders has been affected is well, all except Jane for which I was doing the quests since I started the game. Now what is important is the fact, that I was able to choose tier 2 quests from other traders before the update, after update only tier 1 quests are available from other traders. I haven't done any quests for other traders yet to unlock opening routes.


Did you start a new game and re-create the issue? - Yes, I did it, kinda rush it but I don't think thats the case, is still doesn't work since the last update

Have you validated your files through Steam? - Yes I did it before I started 2nd new game

After validation, did you re-try with a brand new game? - Yes and the issue is still there but I haven't got any red errors in the console.


Full Log file: https://pastebin.com/raw/BHJhTEfU

Log error when I talked to a trader Hugh: https://pastebin.com/raw/u0nTFg2s

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I've seen a few trader issues since the last update but in all cases, people were trying to continue the same save from before the update. The developers said there can be unforeseen issues if you don't start a fresh game with each update in experimental. If it happens with a new game, then it's definitely a bug.

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Yesterday I reinstalled the game, deleted all saves and today I updated the game to the new b233, started a new game and the bug is still there, also knowing its not only me its a bit of relief and can confirm that this last b231 update did this to the game.

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On 12/18/2021 at 11:35 AM, Sefiros said:

Done I hope they will fix it asap.

This is actually a feature! I've seen someone talking about it, and they said "Were you at a "new" trader or the same one because in alpha 20 every trader resets you to tier 1 unless they are the same trader i.e if you started with trader joel and your next trader was trader rekt you would start back at tier 1 quests but if your next trader was another trader joel you progress on to tier 2 quests"

This feature is absolutely bull@%$#



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