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Force Run override zombies


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So I've been playing since around 2014, usually lurking rarely posting except on old forums. For the love of God, I play with ALL zombies walking, a la The Walking Dead, please don't override my settings on POI's to force them to run. I don't know if it's a bug or done on purpose but if you give me control to set their speed and behavior, don't override MY settings. I don't know the actual POI name, but it's a Tier 2 Restore the Power the post office and Appliance co side by side, the appliance co loot has 5-6 zombies that all fall and burst from everywhere then RUN at me, even when I backed away it wasn't them lunging, they actually ran.  



PS. Keep up the good work.

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A20 is in experimental so I would assume it's most likely a bug, if you can reproduce it please post it in the bug forums because that would be handy! On the other hand I'm not sure if specific POIs have ever had "force run" on zombies, all I know is that the "rage" mechanic is random and I don't know if we can control that outside of difficulty. It's possible that you damaged them and they all enraged (if that's the case then oh god your RNG is unfortunate). I'll keep my eyes out for this POI in the future

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