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Thoughts and Question(s)


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So far I'm really enjoying A20, now that I've got my stealth leveled up some, I'm avoiding the "aggro the whole room" issue, and that makes me happy.


I'm also enjoying the new visuals, including customization of your rides as far as color coding, and the mods.   The fuel saver mod is freaking awesome, btw.


The weather effects are also great, a driving rain in the grasslands, a howling wind in the desert, all bring the world alive.


My only visual irritation is that when it rains, I can still "see" the rain falling inside my building, I'm not getting wet mind you, but I can see it.  I have not tested yet about light opacity, and whether or not I can see my candles from outside my home, mainly due to the fact that ferals sprint at night, and for some reason my base is attracting bears.  I've usually had 2 outside almost every morning, which is doing wonders for my meat bin.



Is there any reason that if we break down arrows/bolts that we can't get the feathers back, rather then wood?

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