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CraftingTier and attributes


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Hi Folks,


I was looking at adding a few items with tier scaling from base attributes rather than from a perk, however cannot seem to get it working.


I have tried a few things, but AFAIK adding in the below should add the CraftingTier into the Perception attribute effect group, then let me reference it in recipes by adding the attPerception tag, at least from what I recall this is how it works with perks.


I was hoping someone may be able to point me to where I am going wrong here, or if it is just a case of it not functioning this way with an attribute, meaning I would need to create a dummy perk instead?


	<insertAfter xpath="/progression/attributes/attribute[@name='attPerception']/effect_group/passive_effect[@name='DismemberChance']">
			<passive_effect name="CraftingTier" operation="base_add" level="1,3,5,7,10" value="0,1,2,3,4" tags="attPerception"/>





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One thing i can think of is... that passive effect you're appending after is in an effect group which has a itemhastags requirement. This means, anything within that effect group would need that tag in order to be active. In other words, you holding an item with that tag. You could test this by holding one of the weapons with that tag and crafting the item. That may work. If not, just append a new effect group without the requirement tag and see if it works.

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You are indeed correct.


I would swear up and down that this was how I attempted it originally, as I was using the perks as a template and they have a separate group for all of the passive effects. That said, it did not work earlier, and it works exactly as you would expect now, so thank you very much for the assistance :)

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