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Ravenhearst Linux install help

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I have tried to get Ravenhearst installed via wine/Lutris, but i'm not getting anywhere.  Probably doing it wrong.

7 Days vanilla runs just find in steam.

I'm still a basic user, trying to follow guides.

Has anyone come up with a working solution for Ravenhearst install in Linux/POP os?

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I moved your thread to an appropriate place, the Mods folder is only for announcing mods


You could ask Jaxteller directly in his Ravenhearst thread. But please include A LOT MORE information, for example what does not work in detail, and what error messages you get. Also you could put a logfile on pastebin and post the link.


Why did you use wine? Is that something Jaxteller suggested? I and lots of others are playing 7D2D natively in linux, and even mods work very well, I had no problems with multiple overhaul mods in A19 (just not Ravenhearst)


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