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The ability to sit in chairs, and heal broken limbs and etc faster from doing so


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Only if a massage and a plate of sausages while sitting in a chair is in the price tag. No, but seriously it`s not a bad idea. I always wanted to experience more interactivity with the surrounding world, but it seems like devs are opting for more content, gameplay solutions, etc. What comes to my mind also is a player interaction with a workbench or forge with certain perks, so items could be crafted faster by "inspecting the workbench" while interacting with it. Usually, during the night, I`m not doing anything so instead I march to my stationary sh***bucket for a relief or make a sandwich with a tea in the kitchen. Implementation of this solution could speed up the process and grant some small amount of passive XP, only if such action is not exploited too much. Just a thought also.

Edited by TWORDY (see edit history)
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Part of my idea was inspired by the game Rust. There are chairs that you can place down in the game, and when you sit in them you get healed by a very simple 'comfort' mechanic. But with 7 days' injury and limb mechanics, the ability to use chairs and 'rest' in them when your limbs are broken or sprained seems like a really immersive way to slightly speed up recovery speed, with the obvious penalty of being unable to move or do certain actions, if there's a concern for balance.

Adding the ability to speed up crafting might not be a bad idea as well, depending on the craft.

Would also offer a use for all those chair items you can place down in the world, I usually end up throwing them out because I don't have a use for them.

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