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One For All Gaming 7D2D Youtube Videos


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Today we go through which is most likely the biggest change to come to 7D2D in a very long time possibly ever.


A whole new way to generate city's and it gives them nearly endless possibilities.


I go through the video and answer some of the questions we asked of the dev of 7D2D, there is quite a bit of technical speak in here and it is still early days but I am super excited about this.


If I missed someone or messed something up let me know but this is how I understand this awesome new tech 


Special Thanks to the following for asking the questions on the Forums and to anyone else I may have missed.
Jost Amman 



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  • 1 month later...

So much information has come out for A20 and here is the start of my coverage of it.


In this video we cover the new Zombies in A20



In this video we cover the some of the new random world generation in A20.




We Cover all the news In the First A20 Dev Stream, prepare for information overload.



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  • 2 weeks later...

7D2D Alpha 20 News


In this video we cover the 2nd half of the dev stream of 7D2D Alpha 20 and wow is there a lot to cover here.



Start 00:00 Part 1

00:16 Shaders Outro 20:27



Subscribe On Youtube! https://www.youtube.com/c/OneForAllGaming1985





7D2D Alpha 20 News In this video we cover the 1st half of the dev stream of 7D2D Alpha 20 and wow is there a lot to cover here.


Start 00:00

Part 1 00:16 Ambulance

Outro 14:27


Subscribe On Youtube! https://www.youtube.com/c/OneForAllGaming1985




Edited by Annihilatorza
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