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new enemies and biome?

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Is it possible to add npc human survivors that also fight you and the zombies. Also let them travel and do everything the players do but they are automatically at group.


Maybe add insects, other birds and gators/crocs


swamp biome 


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Xyth & company have a couple of NPC mod(let)s that can do what you want. But, the complex AI (following, hiring) requires custom code, so you'll need to either use DMT, or use the Mod Launcher (which compiles DMT modlets automagically).


You may need to adjust or extend what's there, but that work would be up to you.



There are overhauls that add NPCs (like The Wasteland or Darkness Falls) but AFAIK their human NPCs are fairly basic, they don't used the options that need custom code (like being able to hire them or instruct them to guard your base). You can (and should) still check them out.


Adding biomes is another story, especially since RWG is such a moving target. Other people have tried to create new biomes, and from what they said, it's a monumental amount of work. I don't know anyone who has done it.

Edited by khzmusik (see edit history)
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