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Attributes. Small idea to change the perk system.

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Hello TFP,


I'm a long time fan of your work and I have been playing the game since the time it was first released. I have had 1000s of hours of enjoyment (xboxone and pc combined), this is one of my favorite games. The most recent updates to the game have been amazing and has improved the game far beyond its first release. During my play I have been thinking of ideas that I think would be a great addition to the the game and if I had modding experience I would go that route but I don't.


I like the perk system thats in the game now but I would make a small change to the attributes. Instead of having them all do the same thing by give you more damage with head shots, make each attribute be special and do different things. For example; [Perception = Better hip fire accuracy and less sway while moving.] [Strength = Melee Damage/ Block Damage] [Vitality = More HP] [Agility = More Stamina] [Intelligence = More experience gain maybe along with scrapping yields more resources/ breaking stuff down with wrenches gives higher chance of more valuable items.] or something along those lines. I do have other ideas for anyone who would like to hear them, I don't look for any credit. I just wanted to help improve the game for anyone willing to receive it.


Well anyways, thank you to those who took the time to read this post and support. A huge thank you to TFP for sticking with their game for this long and not giving up on it because there is alot of love for this game and we all believe in you.


Sincerely, BlueIronSoldier 

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These things wouldn't be that hard to add, I would highly recommend looking at the xmls (in 7daystodie/data/config) and trying to implement them yourself. Remember to backup your files before you go digging (just copy them somewhere else on your pc). With some questions asked here and a bit of determination I'm sure you could easily make this modlet. 

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Suggestion: if you’re going to do a few tests by making changes to the vanilla XML files, try to make the changes you want to implement small and “well Documented” for yourself, just to prove to yourself this is possible/workable.  Then make a modlet out of it, then do all future XML modification work to flush it out inside the modlet. 

I say this because if you make a lot of changes to the vanilla XML and don’t remember everything you did, it can be really hard to reverse engineer it into a modlet, and if you accidentally update the game the vanilla XML gets updated and you lose all your work (unless you have a backup).


usually I’ll try a few ideas using the vanilla XML as figuring out the modlet syntax takes a little bit of work, but I’ve been bitten by the “did too much in the vanilla XML” issue myself :)

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