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How to start a lobby where people can join I been trying for weeks and I got nothing no one joined or I not seen no one in my lobby can some one be nice and post what to do thanks!!!!!!!!!!!$$$$$$$$

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All you need to do is make sure that your game is set to public view and that the number of players is set above one. Are you trying to host off the same machine you are playing on or have you set up a dedicated server that is always running. If you are hosting on your own machine then your game will only show up on the list while you are playing. If you have a dedicated server then your game will show up on the server list all the time and you'll have a better chance of attracting people to play in your world. Also, if you host from your own machine, then when you are done playing and leave, it kicks everyone else off. They can only play when you play.


So hosting is best when you want to play with friends and you can coordinate schedules. If you want a world where anyone can come and go and you want the thrill of running into a stranger who may be hostile or may be friendly then you should rent or set up your own dedicated server for the game.

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