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zombies take damage when they hit blocks. how feasable is that?

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so hear me out here. zombies dont have any tools. jsut their undead hands. and sure, they cant feel pain. but punching down a door would still hurt your hand. and have you ever punched a brick wall? you would break your hand. hell, even our tools take damage when used on blocks


so why dont zombies damage themselves when attacking blocks? how can a regular zombie just sit at a cement or metal door and eventually breka through withiut turnign its body into paste?


so, how hard would it be to make it so zombies (and possibly the player) takes damage equal to how much damage it deals to blocks (or at whatever rate makes sense that lets a single zombie break down a wooden door but not a brick wall by itself)  i imagine perhaps modifying the logic on the zombies main attack so that when it uses it on something it also deals damage to itself as well?  that way "stronger" zombies that deal more damage, also hurt themselves more because they are swinging with mroe force. and it would be self balancing. one zombie can break downa door, but a single zombie cant break a cement wall. but a dozen of them can....


i have NO idea how to modify this game. and woudlnt have any idea where to start. maybe this could be as simple as modifying a single line of code to whatever weapon is assigned to the zombies melee attack. maybe its jsut not feasable.. anyoen have any idea?

Edited by freebirth001
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  • freebirth001 changed the title to zombies take damage when they hit blocks. how feasable is that?

It might require a bit of code.  Spherells DMT core mod has what he calls "soft hands" where if the player doesnt wear gloves he takes damage punching things.  Id guess a similar approach would be possible on zeds.  You could try making a buff on the zombies that use the trigger onSelfPrimaryActionRayHit to determine if the zed hit a character or a block and then if true have the buff damage the zombie.  



Edited by xyth (see edit history)
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