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How do I add "name_key" to a perk?

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I have a mod that requires some perks to craft, from some perk books that don't have name_key to them. The description of the unlock restriction becomes perkautoweaponsdamage. From my little research, I tried <setattribute xpath="/progression/perks/perk[@name='perkAutoWeaponsDamage']" name="name_key">perkAutoWeaponsDamageName</setattribute> and then added perkAutoWeaponsDamageName (The Automatic Weapon Handbook Vol. 1) to a Localization.txt but that didn't work. What should I do to make it work?

Edited by calaverinha (see edit history)
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Hi, I'm not sure I got that, I'm still figuring things out here, I have no experience modding. The only place I found name_key for perks is on progression.xml. I also need perkAutoWeaponsComplete to craft bulk ammo, and that is not a book and does not have a name_key to it. The book items only have property name="DescriptionKey", which is the same value as long_desc_key in the progression.xml. A mod I use has some custom perks that didn't have a name_key, so I manually edited it, added to localization.txt and it worked fine, and while I could do the same to the vanilla file, I prefer to do via mod so I don't need to update the file when there is a game patch or something. Also, this same mod uses Pistol Pete perks to craft bulk ammo, the same books that craft 9mm ammo, and in this case the description is fine because those perks already have the name_key to it (perkPistolPeteComplete have name_key="perkPistolPeteCompleteName"). So, here is what we have in progression.xml:


<perk name="perkAutoWeaponsComplete" parent="skillAutoWeapons" max_level="1" base_skill_point_cost="0" desc_key="perkAutoWeaponsCompleteDesc" long_desc_key="perkAutoWeaponsCompleteLongDesc">


What I want is to add name_key="perkAutoWeaponsCompleteName" to it, if possible.

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