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3 questions / 3 вопроса


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1) what language to write here: Russian or English?

2) how do I write about the error that do not work for another character (a friend in the party), namely, the pill does not give xp, while spent (hint 8 on the loading screen)

3) why for the stakes and mines / land mines do not give experience, if a zombie attacked them or how it works?




1) каким языком тут писать: русский или английский?

2) как мне написать об ошибке, что не работают на другого персонажа (друга в пати), а именно таблетки не дают хп, при этом тратятся (подсказка 8 на загрузочном экране)

3) почему за колья и мины/фугасы не дают опыта, если на них напоролся зомби или как это работает?



Edited by SylenThunder
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  • SylenThunder changed the title to 3 questions / 3 вопроса

This is an English forum, and as such posts are required to be in English. I have translated your posts using Deepl


Which answers #1


#2 General Support forum has a Pinned topic on how to report an issue. 


#3 You don't get experience for damage you do not cause directly. Passive traps aren't going to be experience farms.


#4 They would need to be added as a friend. Then they can update your claimed areas. 

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