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Help with custom perks page


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I've been looking at other's custom perk mods and no one really has what I am trying to do.


I wish to have locked perks with no level just rather locked and unlocked similar to books. I cannot get anything similar though. Through browsing the Xui files it seems as though the books page is treated differently than the Attribute/Skill pages.


I am also trying to understand the hierarchy of these pages.


Attribute pages are as follows

Attribute (Page Name, ex. Strength)

-- Skill (sub headers on the page, ex. Combat Perks)

----Perks (ex. Boomstick) 


Books page

Attribute (attBooks)

-- Skill (skillArtOfMining)

----Perk (perkArtOfMiningLuckyStrike)


What I am confused about is why the column header on all pages is "Name" but the Books tab is "Book Titles". I have added another tab page after books however no matter how much like the books structure in XML and properties I do not get the results I want. Is there a tool or a setting I am missing?

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Not sure how best to describe this, but here goes...

Skills are just a category header, they can't actually do anything. They just group perks.

Perks can have levels, or if they are set to have only one level are just true or false. If you set the points to 0, you cannot put points into them. They can only be learned by books, buffs, etc.

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Okay but you have to create the page with an Attribute, those are what create the pages. The books page is treated differently. In the Xui windows page it specific states {isbook} or {isnormal}. How can I set some skills or an attribute to isbook to have my page treated as a book page?

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