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Nuclear Reactor


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Players can craft or repair existing mini nuke-reactors. 


The player can use the reactor to craft uranium ammo and get huge ammount of power. Uranium ammo ist much better then regular ammo types.


The nuke-reactor is not just another workbench, it will change the game very much.  Horde zombies will attack the nuke as their primary target

on horde night and will avoid human players. If the horde succeed to destroy the nuke, it will blow up!!! and tarraform a huge circle area to wasteland like an atomic bomb. The map needs to be reloaded after the explosion, cause of the destruction of the nuke and recalculation of the map. 


After some explosions the map could become a huge wasteland 


Alternative: the nuke just breaks and all zombies get radiactive for the next 7 days. 50/50% chance explosion or just damaged.


Additional: maybe just none radioactive zombies attacks the nuke, green zombies still attacks players, cause they don´t need more radiatio ;)


Why should the player be always the main target in horde night, there should be alternatives, like something to defend / protect. 



I think this is a huge feature and will never be made, but whatever...



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I like the idea, and a modder has made something like this, but it’s not a standalone mod you can add to any game. Check out “Gnamod Horde Mode”.  Basically you spawn near a beacon that attracts zombies. You have to defend.  The beacon has lots of supplies in it, and it’s not an easy game.


I also believe there’s some other “attractor” mods that have been made . One is “Telrics thumpers”.  I think it’s like a mini game defending the thumper once you repair it.  Not sure if you can take or craft a thumper and place whenever you want. 

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