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player owned vending machine capacity


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Hi guys. There seems to be an item limit of 50 for the player owned vending machine and I can't find where to change that. It doesn't seem to be in Traders or Loot.


I don't care about selling to other players, all I want is a container with filters to put all my stuff in and that seems to be the only one.

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2 hours ago, Xeno8221 said:

Hi guys. There seems to be an item limit of 50 for the player owned vending machine and I can't find where to change that. It doesn't seem to be in Traders or Loot.


I don't care about selling to other players, all I want is a container with filters to put all my stuff in and that seems to be the only one.

<lootcontainer id="5" count="0" size="8,9" sound_open="UseActions/open_chest" sound_close="UseActions/close_chest" loot_quality_template="qualBaseTemplate">
    <item name="cobweb" count="1,2"/>

<!-- Rented - Vending Machine -->
<trader_info id="5" reset_interval="-1" override_buy_markup="1.0" override_sell_markup="1.0" allow_sell="false" rentable="true" rent_cost="2500" rent_time="30"/>


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Hi Crazy, I don't think so. While the trader id="5" is the Rented Vending Machine, the loot container id="5" is cntStorageGeneric. That's the brown storage crate you can make with nails and wood.


Also it's the player owned vending machine (trader id="3") I'm interested in. The loot container id="3" is the GreenDrawerSecure, so unrelated too.

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