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How to change DoT


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Hello i have realy intresting question.

i try balance blade weapon and shock weapons.And wana increase BLEED damage.But i just dont know so well code.I need a help from experience Modlet creator.
what i wana  : i wana add to weapon property to i can INCREASE Bleeding damage in %  count of Deepercuts and DECREASE duration if i use this weapon. Or how i can change damage nuber from HealthChangeOT in weapon property or mod. and i cant find even buffname.

Like weapon damage increasing with <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="perc_add" value="-.15,.15" tags="perkPummelPete"/> 
Or adding DoT  increasing damage to skill progression.Becaus i wana change Shosk damage. i know its perk "perkElectrocutioner"
I this case i know buff name "buffShocked".


<buff name="buffShocked" description_key="buffShockedDesc" tooltip_key="buffShockedTooltip" icon="ui_game_symbol_electric_power" name_key="buffShockedName" icon_color="255,0,0">
        <damage_type value="electrical"/>
        <stack_type value="replace"/>
        <duration value="4.5"/>
            <passive_effect name="BuffBlink" operation="base_set" value="2" duration="0,3" tags="buffShocked"/>

            <passive_effect name="HealthChangeOT" operation="base_add" value="-8"/>

But how can i to influence it from weapon or mod I do not know. And I can't find how were "perkElectrocutioner" exacly change numbers of "buffShocked" .
I Find only one example near this. 

            <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffStart" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="$bleedAmount" operation="divide" value="2">
                <requirement name="ProgressionLevel" progression_name="perkGreatHeistAdrenalineFall" operation="Equals" value="1"/>
                <requirement name="CVarCompare" cvar="CharismaticNatureLevel" operation="GTE" value="3"/>

But its Divide. and on another perk. and in buff file.

How rigth write this to i can free change damage numbers and duration? 
Even if i create a new "Buffdamage" DoT effect im still dont know how to rule them frome another parts of game.
I be very gratefull for help.
I say it again.I do complex mod for complex hole balance fixes. like T0 T3 stunbaton. Balance changes.and i realy need this to do not change core of game play.

P.S. And i dont know english realy well if free speaking level.Please explain with an example and in a simpler way. If some one who know russian find this text and explain me in my main language....да расцелую просто от счаться.

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to my words be more understandable. This pictures from base game Buff file. its Charismatic Natures buff. This buff from perk change proprety of another buffs and change bleeding damage In flat number on players. i wana know another operators and how to rigth write code to MY buff. to i can.

Becaus i need increasing damage on number only on enemy. and decrease bleeding time what i apply on enemy. to bleeding damage be shorted but do more damage. and in total damage deal its same count as befor or more. 
Like example.
When i have bone knife in hands. bleading time on enemy decrease  on 30% but every second bleeding do +1 damage. 
When i have iron knife in hands .Bleaind time decrease on 45% but bleeding every second do +3 damage.

And i CAN NOT change base game general bleedings buff to do it shorter but more damage every seconds. Becaus ALL Damage Over TIme effects based on Bleeding damage in code of game.(like fire or electricshock) .i broke a game if change it.
And i dont wahana change Stuck mechanic from Deepcuts perk. Its already good.

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2 hours ago, meganoth said:

You should look at stun baton in items.xml to see how damage of the shock is influenced. You also should look into progression.xml at the relevant INT-perks how they influence the baton or the buff



on stunbaton i see how its change "duration" of "ragdoll" and "power" .Ty. I can not find code of "Ragdoll" itself in buffs to i can use this code for me.I see only alote of using this base buff proprety in alote of plases. and i do not see how Stunbaton change damage of "buffShocked" in or how Intelegent perk change this damage in proprety "HealthChangeOT" or in %. Probably i dump.Can you show me this?

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32 minutes ago, Kudesnik27 said:

on stunbaton i see how its change "duration" of "ragdoll" and "power" .Ty. I can not find code of "Ragdoll" itself in buffs to i can use this code for me.I see only alote of using this base buff proprety in alote of plases. and i do not see how Stunbaton change damage of "buffShocked" in or how Intelegent perk change this damage in proprety "HealthChangeOT" or in %. Probably i dump.Can you show me this?

You don't see it because the Shock damage is not changed at all with any perk. But the EntityDamage is.


You can change a cvar similar to EntityDamage. And then use it in the buff.


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10 minutes ago, meganoth said:

You don't see it because the Shock damage is not changed at all with any perk. But the EntityDamage is.


You can change a cvar similar to EntityDamage. And then use it in the buff.


Im new in mod creation. Could you please write me a property line for an item not tied to perks so that it increases the damage as you said. For bleeding and for Shock damage. to i just put you line  in item. and all start working.
To i take this item in hands and my bleeding have less durations and damage increasing for all bleeding
Becaus its very hard for me follow the rules of the code when you don’t know them. im try take examples and change them for my goals.
And i can not find guides how do it in my main language. and english not my main.

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I have not written code for a long time. To create a working example I would need one or two hours of finding examples of the right syntax in the existing code and experimentation myself. Sorry, I don't have the time for that at the moment. Maybe someone else can give you an example.


Or you could analyze how bleeding is done. It seems to be a much better example of what you want to achieve than shock damage in vanilla

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51 minutes ago, meganoth said:

I have not written code for a long time. To create a working example I would need one or two hours of finding examples of the right syntax in the existing code and experimentation myself. Sorry, I don't have the time for that at the moment. Maybe someone else can give you an example.


Or you could analyze how bleeding is done. It seems to be a much better example of what you want to achieve than shock damage in vanilla

Im already spend 5 days ... to understand how do this.And my mind just cant. that why i ask here. because i don't know and cant find examples with right syntax. because nobody do this.Btw TY!Now i know how say rigth to some can easy understand what i need.

I need right syntax for item property to change "HealthChangeOT" and "Duration" of buff what i apply on enemy when i have this item in hands.

Becaus its alote easy then create a new buff or change half of game mechanis or touch already existit core buffs in game. Its focused change only with 2 line in code.

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