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Like to see a specialized water zombie.


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First off, thanks for an awesome game, been playing on and off since it came onto steam. 


Anyhow, I'd love to see a zombie only found in water or near it, some sort of specialized zombie that might be able to navigate water better than the rest. Looks wise, well you can't go wrong with putting some water foliage on old Tarman (below for reference). 


I mean I could sit here all day and think of zombies, but some more specialized enemies would be very much appreciated.


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I dont think there is a spawngroup associated with the water biome. You might be able to add one but I'm not sure if the code looks for it now that we have hard-coded biomes.

As for the appearance- you could mess with server side zombies as they attach existing meshes to the zombies. Maybe grass upside down or cobwebs?

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