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Vanity slots, and Randomized weapons / armor and zombies


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So I'm not sure as to whether this has been brought up before, but I'd wager it as maybe.


As we all know right now the endgame is kinda lacking with regards to challenge and exploration. Like, getting t6 of all the gear you need isn't hard at all unless you just intentionally refuse to invest in lucky looter, but then that's you artificially restricting yourself and for what?


I've seen a little variety in item stats, but nothing special enough for me to warrant actively hunting for those perfect rolls, which is why I think we could add some more varieties of customization into the item drops via randomized loot tables akin to something like a diablo style loot system that scales up its drops power as your game advances (possibly capping at a certain point in how obnoxious items can get), and something similar to the zombies we see, getting potential spawns with random modifiers and or abilities that can present new uncertainty and danger into the game world both on the day to day exploring, and horde nights.


The other thing would be vanity item slots on gear, or maybe your characters equipment tab to equip vanity items for cosmetic appearance only that overwrite your stat gear so we can have a little more variety.


Maybe I want that steel club to look like a baseball bat for instance, but once I have a t6 steel club there's no reason not to use it. Or maybe I wanna make my m60 look like an ak 47 because the appearance is more appealing, little stuff like that, because aesthetics do matter.


Anyway just my 2c, so far I love getting back into the game, and those just seemed like a few things that could expand the longevity of a map once you reach that critical mass point of having your gear and food supplies locked down, and settle into building up excess resources between horde nights.

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48 minutes ago, GasChamberGerhan said:

which is why I think we could add some more varieties of customization into the item drops via randomized loot tables akin to something like a diablo style loot system that scales up its drops power as your game advances (possibly capping at a certain point in how obnoxious items can get),

That is exactly what A19 does. And that's what some people complain about.


48 minutes ago, GasChamberGerhan said:

and something similar to the zombies we see, getting potential spawns with random modifiers and or abilities that can present new uncertainty and danger into the game world both on the day to day exploring, and horde nights.

It is already that way and has been since many alphas. First you only get normal zombies, in higher gamestage you start to get ferrals, later on cops, irradiated zombies and finally demolishers...


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