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Diffrent cost for attributes?


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is that possible to give diffrent value cost for attributes ?

for example Fortitude 1/10 5 skillpointscost per level // Strength 1/10 3 skillpointscost per level


EDIT: I found it out, sorry for my noob questions :) 


<attributes min_level="1" max_level="10" base_skill_point_cost="1" cost_multiplier_per_level="1.14"> <!--values here are simply base values for any attribute that doesn't override it. -->

	<attribute name="attPerception" name_key="attPerceptionName" desc_key="attPerceptionDesc" icon="ui_game_symbol_stealth">



<attribute name="attFortitude" min_level="0" max_level="5" base_skill_point_cost="10" cost_multiplier_per_level="1.00" icon="ui_game_symbol_treasure" name_key="Harvest Master" desc_key="attFortitudeDesc"> 


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