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New A19 Public Server! Kiss of Death by Phoenix125


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image.png.67a647ca5a958c034ff6619edb570d20.png Kiss of Death|2xXP|PVE|8K Map|8-19-20|Phoenix125.com|Alpha 19

steam://connect/px125.com:26900 | Online Map: http://px125.com:28082

Come join us on a friendly server
- Building in POIs/cities is OK
- No Mods to install!
- No server wipes unless forced update or majority vote.
- QOL mods: Map (Alloc's) | Server Tools | Food/Thirst bars | 3 Slot forge | Solar Bank/Cell, Weedwacker, Steel Ammo, Log Spikes recipes | Cars respawn weekly (real time) | Increased zombie loot drop | XP to next level bar
- Discord.gg/EU7pzPs: Player chat/join/leave/game time
- 8K Random Gen map for reliability.
- Back up every 4 hours.
- 45yo admin who does NOT use abuse his powers AT ALL.
- Checks for updates every 5 minutes.
- Daily restarts at 4am EDT
- Hosted in Eagle, Michigan, USA. **Everyone worldwide welcome**.


image.png.351ce4419d3c3db7c118b228d5a286b8.png Settings
- 2x XP | Max Players: 50 | Land Claim Duration: 30 days | Horde night zombies per player: 16
- Loot respawn: 7 days | Air drop markers

- Server: Dell R620 2x Xeon E5-2680v2 160GB WinServer2016 on SSDs
- UPS, solar, & generator power backup
- Ubiquiti network hardware on business internet connection


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