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Larger Fuel Tanks / Faster Vehicles (Alpha 18)


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Note: There are two versions of the modlet. Don't use both of them at the same time. Use one or the other.


I don't know about you, but I really dislike the fuel tank sizes on everything from my tools to my vehicles.

Consistently refueling my auger is what got me to originally write this mod, and coming back recently and running into the same thing with refueling the auger,

cause me to update this script. Well, a while back ago, I write a tutorial on how to modify your files to fix that issue, then early last year, 2019, I wrote it into a modlet for Alpha 17.

I recently have returned and felt it was time to update this mod, so we could have the larger tanks once again and save my sanity when using the auger.



Some people that play on our server complained about how slow the vehicles felt, especially the 4x4 truck, so I added a few lines of code into the Fuel modlet to improve the overall speeds of the 4x4, motorcycle, and the minibike. I did not adjust the speed of the Gyrocopter because that I felt was good where it is.


Both the 4x4 and the motorcycle got over a 50% boost and the minibike just got a very slight bump in speed.

If you are running Ragsy_Racing_Motorcycle_Physics modlet, then you will need to either delete or cancel out line 8 of the vehicles.xml in this modlet.

Any other modlets that modify the speed of the 3 vehicles mentioned prior, may conflict with this modlet.


Original Modlet: 



This modlet changes the following:

  1. Auger - 150% increase
  2. Chainsaw - 100% increase
  3. Generator - 100% increase
  4. Minibike - 100% increase
  5. Motorcycle - 100% increase
  6. Gyrocopter - 150% increase
  7. 4x4 Truck - 100% increase


For the most part, I have doubled the size of all the fuel tanks with a few exceptions.

Of course, you can easily change the values if you like to have larger tanks than what I have preset.

This has only been tested on Alpha 18.4 (b4).

Can't confirm that this will work on Alpha 19 since I am not on it.


Vehicle speed changes are as follows:

  1. Minibike - From 7 Normal / 10 Boosted to 8 Normal / 11 Boosted
  2. Motorcycle - From 9 Normal / 14 Boosted to 15 Normal / 23 Boosted
  3. 4x4 Truck - From 9 Normal / 13 Boosted to 12 Normal / 20 Boosted


You can download from here:

Larger Fuel Tanks v1.1


Larger Fuel Tanks / Faster Vehicles v1.1


Enjoy. 😎

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