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Anyone had their toolbelt locked in the prefab editor?

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Hi All, 


I'm having an issue where when I load into the prefab editor, my toolbelt is locked. I cannot drag anything to/from it. If I want to add something from the creative menu, I have to first add it to my backpack and then shift + left-click it onto the toolbelt. However, once it is there, I can't remove it either by dragging it off or selecting it and pressing "D" while it is selected either. So when the belt is full and I need to add new items, I can only click the trash can in the backpack to clear my entire inventory to clear the belt. Then I have to refind/add all my static tools, like the dig gun, paint brush, etc. It seems I simply cannot click the toolbelt. If I click on an item on the belt, it does not select the item at all. But if I use my scroll wheel, I can scroll through the toolbelt to get to different tools. This is a real slow down. Anyone had this issue? Is there a way to unlock the toolbelt?

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  • 2 months later...

I too have kind of the same problem i loaded game and can't drag things from the toolbelt. The game works fine in 18.4 but not with 19.0. I verified the integrity of the files and it was good. I thought it might be the fact my resolution problem as i'm playing on a 32 inch tv and i just bought a new computer but just guesses

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