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Double Trouble Turret(the Blocker)


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Ok guys, check this out. The turrets we got totally kick butt right? Well I got an awesome idea for your new pow turret. You guys at fun pimps have done one hell of good job here. I've been lucky enough to get to watch this game grow. So your new turret, I've watch several different YouTubers just use it once and be like " yup that's cool" then never touch it again. You've already got the double turret skill, so lean into the dou effect offense and defense make new turret a blocker. Have him take gas and when based and set out he blocks and knocks back. Omg everybody would love this new little guy. Thank you. Sageofdeath3

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I think that's what the idea is but there are still bugs with it. Its supposed to be a guard or to give you more time when it blocks a door way. Currently the zeds walk through it pretty easily. I think there trying to fix that.

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