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How to create a MSVS solution to start writing C# code for a new block?


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So I've read all the tutorials I could find. I have read the guide to DMT, I have seen the videos about using Unity. I never used unity before, but after some struggle I have my new block ready, with crafting recipes and everything. It looks like this, it's supposed to be electricity distribution box.




So now I am imagining that I should create some C# project, somehow import metadata from the base game and implement some IBlock and IElectricThing. I have no idea where to start.


Last game I modded like this was RimWorld about 5 yrs ago and back then the game author provided the debug symbols, so I didn't have to figure anything out, just start coding.


Can someone please advise?

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Currently the purpose of this block is to learn to make mods in 7 days to die. That's what I'm trying to achieve.


That being said the actual plan for this block is:

  • Is powered - can have both input and output wire
  • Provides additional power, much like battery bank
  • Can siphon power from adjacent blocks of the same type

This allows merging of power trees, if it works.

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