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River Wide, Mountain High


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Well, I just stopped in to share a few thoughts on rivers and mountain biomes (if they're planned). Rivers are cool but they are more like creeks or even streams right now, I don't expect to see a 1:1 scale Mississippi in the world, but it'd be cool to have greater variation in widths and depths of rivers. We could have some riverside POIs include waterfront houses, beached boats, docks, and dockyards. As for mountains, if we ever do get truly large mountains I hope they're not too suddenly jutting up from a flat terrain but rather slowly ascending altitude, you wouldn't really notice you were entering a mountain biome at first but the closer you reach the mountain the more harsh and extreme the surrounding hills become. At a certain height the treeline could stop or thin out and we could even have snow or granite stone instead of grass near the peak. Roads could turn to tunnels as they get more near the base of the mountain. The only reason I could see this not being implemented is maybe the extra depth of the world under a tall mountain could cause performance issues, but I might be naive.
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I hope for the same as well. but this is the first run on the new RMG system so I'm just kind of happy it works as well as it does so far. I think it would be neat if the RMG sets up elevations keys for the type of bio dome it makes. Say after the ground get to a set level there is no grass or less and it uses some and gravel, going even higher causes a snow bio dome with no trees and a stone sub base.
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