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Please fix the Steam Forums with the following suggestion


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Please fix the Steam Forums with the following suggestion so they aren't so much of a pain to use?


It's only a suggestion but there are more eyeballs on General Discussion, in all Steam Forums, for this game and for all games. Very few people visit General Questions, most forums don't even have a General Questions forum.


There is often little difference between questions and discussion and one often includes or leads naturally to the other.

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Please fix the Steam Forums with the following suggestion so they aren't so much of a pain to use?


It's only a suggestion but there are more eyeballs on General Discussion, in all Steam Forums, for this game and for all games. Very few people visit General Questions, most forums don't even have a General Questions forum.


There is often little difference between questions and discussion and one often includes or leads naturally to the other.


Why are you directing this at TFP?

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It's true, that what we as moderators do on the Steam forum, more than any other action, is move threads out of General Discussions that users should have posted elsewhere. It's not clear what you're actually suggesting, though. Options include...


  • Giving up and allowing a free for all where everybody posts whatever they want in General Discussions. This is not on the table in my view, as the disorganization would do a disservice to users.
  • Changing the names of some sections, like "General Questions" to "Questions and Answers" to make it clearer that the section is to serve as a knowledge base future users can review for information. I've advocated for this for over a year but the people that can do it are hard to reach.
  • Locking General Discussions so that users are forced to pick a sub-section, under the assumption that most of them will then pay enough attention to choose the right section. I hear this has worked on other forums.
  • Start taking stronger moderator actions against posts that aren't in the right section.


Fittingly, this thread is not about the game and so will be moved to Off Topic. :)

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