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Perks build advice ?


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Im not sure which perks to pick, i want to play with spears and shotguns so perks for both but other than that im not sure what to pick or what to focus on, general streng perks looks good and construction perks for building and propobly agility becouse im gona move a lot but im not sure. Can i get any advices?

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Im not sure which perks to pick, i want to play with spears and shotguns so perks for both but other than that im not sure what to pick or what to focus on, general streng perks looks good and construction perks for building and propobly agility becouse im gona move a lot but im not sure. Can i get any advices?


My Advice for long term play: Pick an attribute that tickles your fancy the most, concentrat on that attribute to get it maxed out to 10 and pick a couple (one melee and one gun) combat skills to it maxed out as well. Pick a second attribute, that one may or may not be maxed, but if you concentrate on it you will at least get it to 7 or so before month 2 is over with.


Something happens around level 40-50, the stretch of exp needed for each level gets kinda insane. So by then you better have at least one combat skill maxed out, because you will also be seeing glowing zeds, wraiths, cops, and possibly demolishers. If you do not have a maxed out attribute and decent combat skills they will likely walk over you like you were a creampuff. Then yer gonna have a bad time...

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