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A18(B155) Is this how the heat map is intended to work? 1 torch = screamer spawn


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I think the important thing here is that this is horrible for a new player. If you place a few torches and don’t even have a forge yet, a good week in game should pass by before triggering a screamer.


I don't know if it follows the dev's ideas of how the game should work, but I wish it were something that you could control directly. Doing well, busy busy making cement, ammo, food, and lighting up the world with torches? Fine, some screamers should spawn, but say a random horde comes through and wipes out your supplies, you should be able to completely stop, or at least slow production to a point where screamers won't spawn at all while you get back on your feet a little. IMO, hiding in a hole with one torch and a camp fire should never spawn them.

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