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Build updates


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Dear fun pimps,


first off loving the new alpha 18 build. Melee is so much better this time around, still swinging through zombies and hitting ones behind the one I "missed" but so much less often then in the past. I wish when you released an update that you had all versions available to choose from in steam. Frequently you release a new build and steam updates your game automatically and then you cant rejoin your online servers because you have the new version and you cant revert to the older version because its not available. Typically i have to pirate the older version then update my steam game and thats just silly. Anywho like the direction you guys are going see you in the wasteland.



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you can opt out of current builds and experimentals as well, I think you right click on the game in Steam, click properties, under the beta heading you can choose old betas and even do the latest experimental if it exists


(please, anybody who knows better correct me if im wrong)

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