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Help with removing one or more item(s) from a perk without remove all items.


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   <set xpath="/progression/perks/perk[@name='perkYeahScience']/effect_group/passive_effect[@name='RecipeTagUnlocked' and @level='2,5']/@tags">medicalPlasterCast,mineCookingPot,rScrapIronPlateMine,ammoGasCan,resourceOil</set>

That should do it. As far as I know you can remove part of a element with <remove> tag.

And you should probably create Localization.txt in your mod's root(main) folder file with:

perkYeahScienceRank2LongDesc,progression,Perk,New,"You're now a professor and are learning practical science. Craft advanced medical items such as plaster casts, cooking pot and pressure plate mines, gasoline & oil.  ",,,,,

I'm not too sure about the Localization stuff.

BTW I'm assuming you know how to create a mod file/folder structure.

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   <set xpath="/progression/perks/perk[@name='perkYeahScience']/effect_group/passive_effect[@name='RecipeTagUnlocked' and @level='2,5']/@tags">medicalPlasterCast,mineCookingPot,rScrapIronPlateMine,ammoGasCan,resourceOil</set>

That should do it. As far as I know you can remove part of a element with <remove> tag.

And you should probably create Localization.txt in your mod's root(main) folder file with:

perkYeahScienceRank2LongDesc,progression,Perk,New,"You're now a professor and are learning practical science. Craft advanced medical items such as plaster casts, cooking pot and pressure plate mines, gasoline & oil.  ",,,,,

I'm not too sure about the Localization stuff.

BTW I'm assuming you know how to create a mod file/folder structure.


I'm not sure about the localization either I just opened it up and closed right I looked at it.

I did not know I needed to add and @level='2, 5' too. Thanks a bunch.


Update: I tried to add the @level='2,5' and your code which none of them worked :/

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I'm not sure about the localization either I just opened it up and closed right I looked at it.

I did not know I needed to add and @level='2, 5' too. Thanks a bunch.


Update: I tried to add the @level='2,5' and your code which none of them worked :/


With this code:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
       <Name value="NoFirstAidBandage" />
       <Description value="Removes first aid bandage from Yeah Science perk." />
       <Author value="FieryRider" />
       <Version value="1.0" />
       <Website value="http://7daystodie.com" />


   <set xpath="/items/item[@name='medicalFirstAidBandage']/property[@name='UnlockedBy']/@value">medicalFirstAidBandageSchematic</set>


   <set xpath="/progression/perks/perk[@name='perkYeahScience']/effect_group/passive_effect[@name='RecipeTagUnlocked' and @level='2,5']/@tags">medicalPlasterCast,mineCookingPot,rScrapIronPlateMine,ammoGasCan,resourceOil</set>


perkYeahScienceRank2LongDesc,progression,Perk,New,"You're now a professor and are learning practical science. Craft advanced medical items such as plaster casts, cooking pot and pressure plate mines, gasoline & oil.  ",,,,,

medicalFirstAidBandage is not craftable for me with YeahScience maxed. Just tested it.

items.xml part just removes perkYeahScience from UnlockedBy section in the inv/crafting menu. Otherwise it will say it requires perkYeahScience but still won't be able to craft it with the perk learned.

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