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Detection 'EYE' when stealthed


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Dont know if anyone has brought this up before but...... The detection 'eye' while stealthed gets in the way of aiming. Its gets worse when the 'eye' opens. Maybe it can be moved the side of the screen, if not then make it a wire framed eye instead of the solid white one used now. The red aiming dot should still be seen when in stealth, at least that what I'd like to see.
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It has gotten in the way since it was implemented. Personally i think they should just get rid of the eye. This isnt elder scrolls, there are a billion things that can be done to indicate to the player that they've been spotted - Special zombie roars, the zombies could move and behave differently whether sensing or hunting the player, hell your character could whisper something like "sh*t they're on to me" or something. Also without the minimap the telepathic sense-sensor seems a little out of place anyways.
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  • 2 weeks later...
yep, this is the exact same problem that skyrim had, someone made an excellent mod which changed the sneak 'eye' to a subtle bar that sat either side which gained intensity as you became easier to detect, and the crosshair in the centre of the screen was changed to a single dot which finally made the HUD an absolute pleasure to use. i cant believe bethdesa let skyrim ship with that feature, hopefully the pimps will work on this at some stage prior to shipping.
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