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quality="6,6" What does it mean and why doesn't it exactly work the way it should?

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I've seen this on a lot of mod and, without a doubt, it does "something" (mostly gives me two of something) but doesn't seem to affect quality of stuff that ends up in loot....so how can you guarantee the quality of something?


I have never, repeat, never seen it bring up something that was quality 6 and i've gone through it testing it, many many times.


I mean, i understand what it's for, i just don't understand that (if the values are set in the main loot.xml) why set these values (in mods) if there's almost zero chance of them over-writing the main loot.xml....because it seems that, no matter what you set in the mods, they end up grade 1-2 because it's set that way in the main loot-xml.


I guess i wanna know, is there a way to make a mod over-write work?


Anyone have a rock-solid answer as to what it means and why it seems to be so flaky?

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