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[MOD] Better Than Giant Bees: Hardcore Survival


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Cool, thanks for the second look :)


(It's not a time critical thing of course - I'm not going to die in game from lack of coffee, unlike in real life hehe)


Hehe...same, and if I were concerned about my real world addictions, growing tobacco would probably be of a much higher priority ;)


Anyhow, I'm loving the other changes, especially animal speed and fat zombie loot. Those rabbits really tear off now, and the fat zombies are a lot less disappointing now. My current save (started in 1.13) finally picked up the making-frames book and I've been having a ball upgrading my base :)


My current save has actually gotten rather interesting in that I can build frames, but don't have the carpentry skill. So, I'm basically scavenging buildings for lumber by breaking down existing structures, which I'm finding is a rather cool twist :)


I have to say that it's one thing I actually like about the current random skill system, in that you wind up with rather different play experiences based on the skills you happen to find. It's one thing that I'd be worried about losing if I were to take a more standard and linear approach to skill progression, and I'm currently pondering combinations of the two to try and find a happy medium.


By the way, the fire axe seems to be a good upgrade from the survival knife - it can one-shot the basic zombies with head shots (nurses, normal walkers, nude dudes, etc). Is it supposed to be that way?


Yup, that's intentional.


There's honestly not much reason to craft your own knife as a result (one of the reasons I got rid of the separate knife skill book from vanilla and merged it into general forging), but the knife is a much more common loot drop than the axe. From the games I've been playing, I usually end up with a looted knife to replace my spiked club way before I can forge an axe.

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My current save has actually gotten rather interesting in that I can build frames, but don't have the carpentry skill. So, I'm basically scavenging buildings for lumber by breaking down existing structures, which I'm finding is a rather cool twist :)


That's the opposite of how my save went, I had a repair tool so could do partial upgrades to wood-based structures (well, assuming they had frames inside - I found this one cool mini-shop that unfortunately has a floor that doesn't have frames inside of it's wood..except the wood on it's porch), and then I found the carpentry book, so had lots of wood but not too much to build (lots of upgraded logs about for that reason though heh), and then finally after a long dry spell, the frames book.


I have to say that it's one thing I actually like about the current random skill system, in that you wind up with rather different play experiences based on the skills you happen to find. It's one thing that I'd be worried about losing if I were to take a more standard and linear approach to skill progression, and I'm currently pondering combinations of the two to try and find a happy medium.


Yeah, that's a good point, progress might become rather samey with a strict, linear system. A hybrid system would be nice - although doubly so if it could use duplicate books somehow... (that intro to carpentry is starting to pile up hehe)


There's honestly not much reason to craft your own knife as a result (one of the reasons I got rid of the separate knife skill book from vanilla and merged it into general forging), but the knife is a much more common loot drop than the axe. From the games I've been playing, I usually end up with a looted knife to replace my spiked club way before I can forge an axe.


Oh okay, that's good to know, as I've been rather enjoying axing things in the face :)


In my save, I think I found a knife within 30 minutes of crafting my first spiked club, and ran with it for a long time (repairing with salvaged short iron pipes) before crafting an axe. Oh, that's another thing - I do like it quite a bit how the fire axe is a stamina-upgrade to the stone axe. In vanilla, I sometimes feel that the iron (steel?) tools are not a full upgrade as they drain more stamina than that silly shovel-pickaxe-axe-sword stone axe thing (which drains at a rate lower than regen if I recall correctly).

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Yeah, that's a good point, progress might become rather samey with a strict, linear system. A hybrid system would be nice - although doubly so if it could use duplicate books somehow... (that intro to carpentry is starting to pile up hehe)


Yeah, I'm thinking much the same way. Extending off of VegasGoat's idea, maybe a system whereby skill books can also be broken back down into the components that make up other books.


I'm thinking in terms of "knowledge fragments", basically parts of books or what have you that you can eventually assemble into enough combined knowledge to equal a skill book. Still mulling over the idea but I think there's something to it.


that silly shovel-pickaxe-axe-sword stone axe thing


You forgot "wrench" :)


I really don't get why they went Swiss-army knife on a tool you can build within the first 30 seconds of the game. I can only assume it's placeholder, much like the crossbow, because so much of the tech progression in stock is basically nullified within the first few minutes of the game that I can't really see it being intended to be that way.


TI found this one cool mini-shop that unfortunately has a floor that doesn't have frames inside of it's wood..except the wood on it's porch),


As an aside, due to me having no carpentry and trying to build up my base for the 14th day horde in my current game, I caught a lot of blocks that felt like they should be dropping planks but weren't.


The game should be much more responsive in that regard with the next release as a result of me tearing up the neighborhood trying to get enough lumber to fortify my base ;)

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I love the idea of "knowledge fragments"! Coincidentally, last night I hit day 13 without having found Carpenty, Home Improvement, or Forge Ahead. I had pretty much resigned myself to a rough night 14. Went out to loot the last 4 POIs in my current township and by noon had found all three books. Which is great, but I definitely thought to myself "I wish this wasn't SO random". So I started planning the addition of "loose pages" to desks and file cabinets at a really low drop rate. My idea was to make each of the basic books craftable with between 9 to 15 of these. Ideally I was going to set the drop rate low enough that on average you wouldn't accumulate 9 before the second week.


But I like your idea of making current skill books break down way better! That would extend the usefulness of duplicate skill books and avoid having to balance another loot drop rate.


I'm sure I'm going to regret this, but what do you think of breaking up the Forge Ahead book some? Right now it still feels like instant end game when I find it. I was thinking of moving clay lumps into it and taking out all of the tools and spreading them around some other books. Or maybe leaving the pickaxe and moving the others. I don't know, just kicking around ideas.

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Yeah, I'm thinking much the same way. Extending off of VegasGoat's idea, maybe a system whereby skill books can also be broken back down into the components that make up other books.


I'm starting to have my doubts about that idea. It really does keep things interesting to not be able to plan for what skills you'll have and to work with what you've got to see how long and how well you can survive. Like you've said before, we start with all the skills necessary to survive already. I do like the idea of using those extra copies of skill books to overcome a run of bad luck not being able to learn something new, though. It can get stale if you spend too much time without some kind of advancement.


I think my real issue was that maybe the forging ahead book should be held back somehow, or maybe not get all the tools at once. My expectations may have been too high, though. I made some tools and it hasn't really changed my game as much as I thought it would. I was able to plant some crops, but you already fixed that so I would have needed a gardening book. So I'm still scavenging around for now, it's just a little easier with the iron tools, and I can open safes now which is leading to guns and gun parts. So I still have plenty to do.


One amusing thing is that reading posts up until now I always thought "pick" used in the context of a safe meant lockpicking. I thought there was some kind of lockpicking skill that would let me turn scrap metal into lockpicks and use that to open safes or locked doors without busting them down. I learned last night that it really means hitting the safe with a pickaxe when I was curious what would happen.


As an aside, due to me having no carpentry and trying to build up my base for the 14th day horde in my current game, I caught a lot of blocks that felt like they should be dropping planks but weren't.


Cool, I noticed this while playing with my fireaxe yesterday and tearing out the wood porches around that brick building we all love to use so much.

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I'm thinking in terms of "knowledge fragments", basically parts of books or what have you that you can eventually assemble into enough combined knowledge to equal a skill book. Still mulling over the idea but I think there's something to it.


Okay, this has me really excited now. Might be time for a new save with the next release :)


You forgot "wrench" :)


Haha, yeah. It literally does everything, just slower. :/


Soulforged stone axe? :)


I really don't get why they went Swiss-army knife on a tool you can build within the first 30 seconds of the game. I can only assume it's placeholder, much like the crossbow, because so much of the tech progression in stock is basically nullified within the first few minutes of the game that I can't really see it being intended to be that way.


I hope you're right about this placeholder business, and that it's not something to catch the nanosecond attention span of the Call of Duty types.


Speaking of crossbows, I was watching this youtube .. uh, personage, and he one-shotted a cop zombie with the crossbow using a sneak attack headshot... killing the (allegedly) toughest monster in the game with something you can kludge together in thirty seconds with your bare hands (ammo included) from crap lying around on the ground anywhere. Sniper rifle performance without the loud report :/


That's leaving aside the sneak attacking the critical hit target discussion (which you covered with Icy) and the Xzibit "crit while yo crit" joke~


That being said, I actually enjoy the crossbow gameplay, and wouldn't mind seeing it as an uber post-sniper end-game item made from top-of-the-tree parts (and not looking like it's made out of rotted wood).


The game should be much more responsive in that regard with the next release as a result of me tearing up the neighborhood trying to get enough lumber to fortify my base ;)


Nice, man! :) I'm still a little puzzled though over why there's so many redundant blocks. I can understand why there's different blocks for green interior wallpapered drywall and exterior red painted wood walls for barns and such, but I get the feeling that there's four or five types of "unpainted wood-colored wood plank" blocks that look identical but have different IDs.... :/


I imagine they're using a 12 or 16-bit block ID, but wasteful redundancy like that will cause problems, both from an upgrade perspective (placed blocks->frame building system) and from a performance perspective...

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I'm sure I'm going to regret this, but what do you think of breaking up the Forge Ahead book some? Right now it still feels like instant end game when I find it. I was thinking of moving clay lumps into it and taking out all of the tools and spreading them around some other books. Or maybe leaving the pickaxe and moving the others. I don't know, just kicking around ideas.


Yeah, I think I agree here, but at the same time I feel it can only be pushed so far before it starts feeling really contrived.


Like at one point, when I was thinking about how to gate farming, I was considering adding "The Big Book of Hoes", which had a description along the lines of "Detailed instructions on how to make your own hoe, complete with schematics, circuit diagrams, and a centerfold" as a tongue in cheek way of explaining something that defied explanation :)


Same with many (if not all) of the iron tools. Assuming you know how to forge metal, it's not like any of the tools have complex moving parts or what have you. They're all relatively simple solid shapes. I feel the same way about the stock unlock of sledgehammers as I can't see any reason why they'd be more difficult to forge than a shovel or pickaxe as you're basically just putting a big hunk of metal on the end of a shaft.


Now, I might be able to gate tool making *overall* as an additional unlock and leave just the base ingot recipes as part of the forging skill book. So, initially you'd gain the ability to make ingots which would allow you to convert your scrap into pipes and strips for repairing your tools and weapons, and to make anything more complex would require an additional book. I think that might be the best option here if I decide an additional book is in order.


Okay, this has me really excited now. Might be time for a new save with the next release :)


No no no :)


I haven't decided I'm going that route yet man, and I certainly won't be doing so for the next release. I'm still mulling the idea over and like I mentioned, I see both pros and cons to it so I want to continue pondering it until I have something that retains the positive aspects of the current system. No need to rush on it IMO as this will have extensive ramifications if I go that route, and what's in there now is working fine even if it's not exactly what I would like.


Another thing to consider is that the Pimps have their own skill system planned, and I have no idea what that will entail. So, it may not make sense to invest a bunch more balancing work into what is essentially a temporary system.


So definitely not for next release. Currently I'm planning on working on the farming balance next as I've unlocked the necessary skills and have a small farm started on the roof of my base in my current save.



I hope you're right about this placeholder business, and that it's not something to catch the nanosecond attention span of the Call of Duty types.


I really don't think it's intended to be this way. Now, the amount of screaming from the community that will result if they change it is a whole other story :)


I imagine they're using a 12 or 16-bit block ID, but wasteful redundancy like that will cause problems, both from an upgrade perspective (placed blocks->frame building system) and from a performance perspective...


The impression that I'm getting is that when they add new systems (frames etc.), they leave the old blocks as is to not mess with their prefabs, and add in new blocks with the new functionality instead.


And yes, it's making a bit of a mess, and I suspect the config files are in need of a bit of spring cleaning as a result. Not sure if it was as many as 4 or 5 virtually identical old wood blocks I modified to drop planks, but there were definitely a few of them.

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Coulda sworn I'd replied here before... oh well, second attempt!


So definitely not for next release. Currently I'm planning on working on the farming balance next as I've unlocked the necessary skills and have a small farm started on the roof of my base in my current save.


Oops! I guess I just punched my own hypetrain ticket in over-excitement hehe.


And yes, it's making a bit of a mess, and I suspect the config files are in need of a bit of spring cleaning as a result. Not sure if it was as many as 4 or 5 virtually identical old wood blocks I modified to drop planks, but there were definitely a few of them.


Yeah, I was hoping that the block optimization pass would involve some cleanup, and I actually think they did clean it up a bit, but there's still lots of blocks to fix...

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Oops! I guess I just punched my own hypetrain ticket in over-excitement hehe.


No worries. If I'm interpreting some of the 10.3 config-file changes correctly, I may need to do something with this sooner rather than later :)


Like I see indications of some kind of book store prefab in the files (there's a sign for it anyways), and I suspect if it is in the game, and if it does contain the massive numbers of bookshelves I would expect it to, then it would probably be an instant-win if you stumble on one given the way the mod works now.


On the bright side though, with the more common gun shops, hardware stores, and pharmacies, each of which have their own unique loot containers, I can begin to do some really interesting stuff with loot distribution.

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Actually, NM the above. Due to the new special store buildings (gun, hardware, and book) and how common they are in 10.3 I've delved into the world of editing the prefab .xml files and figured out how to restrict their spawning exclusively to the city.


This will create a really neat mechanic IMO where if you can manage to make it into the city you'll be able to acquire high value loot you won't be able to get otherwise, meaning that it's soft-gated for the late game. The book store will also mean that if you can get in there, you can also likely acquire any common books that you are missing (I'll leave rare books exclusive to safes for now as book store shelves aren't different from regular book shelves).


I'll also likely gate the auger and chainsaw exclusively through the hardware store to provide additional incentive to get in there.


I'm quite pleased with all that as while the city was of course hela-hard to deal with, there wasn't really any correspondingly awesome loot to make it worthwhile, other than the guns that cop zombies carry.


Working on all this right now and looking forward to spending some solid play time with it.

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This will create a really neat mechanic IMO where if you can manage to make it into the city you'll be able to acquire high value loot you won't be able to get otherwise, meaning that it's soft-gated for the late game.


I like this concept, even outside of BTGB (and in it too of course).


When you posted that you found a Shotgun Messiah in a random biome, I was curious, but also dismayed. I was originally under the impression that that was a city-only POI.


I'm looking forward to the city plans you have, but also.. I'd really like to see the base game adopt them too.


Things like this really discourage me though (10.2 vanilla game, with air drops on, which I don't usually do even in vanilla):








Sniper rifle with a full clip, plus another four rounds, SMG plans, enforcer magazine, and a crapton of medical supplies. WHat the heck?? Completely invalidates any reason to go into town... Don't have to earn anything, just sit around and wait for it to drop on my head. Frack me!!


I'm 100% behind the town-is-endgame model, and 200% behind the no-airdrops rule.

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1.15 is still for 10.2...... will you update it to 10.3 or wait to 10.5?


It's already ported to 10.3 actually, I just want to run some more tests and do a bit more tweaking as like others have pointed out here 10.3 has some rather extreme problems with loot balance and I'd like to catch as many of those issues as I can before release given loot distribution is such a central aspect of how this mod plays.


Definitely will put something out in the next day or two though. I got most of the heavy lifting done yesterday in the hours after the release.


I like this concept, even outside of BTGB (and in it too of course).


This is another area where I believe that this is likely the idea behind the game, but they haven't gotten to the point of fully balancing it. It doesn't make a lot of sense to me to have a high risk area in a game like that unless there are corresponding rewards.


And yeah man...stock loot be crazy right now, and the POI's are insanely huge. I find that last part a little depressing as IMO it acts counter to exploration if the first POI you encounter is so big as to likely contain everything you'll ever need. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like I can adjust those right now either, or at least have yet to find a method to do so.


On the bright side, now that I'm editing prefab .xml files, I'll likely be able to make different biomes more distinct and hopefully contain exclusive loot with time.

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And yeah man...stock loot be crazy right now, and the POI's are insanely huge. I find that last part a little depressing as IMO it acts counter to exploration if the first POI you encounter is so big as to likely contain everything you'll ever need. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like I can adjust those right now either, or at least have yet to find a method to do so.


I'm playing some vanilla A10.3 right now, and the first POI I discovered is on the scale of Diersville in the old fixed Navezgane map. D:


I thought that there weren't enough POIs in random gen in A9.3, but this is ridiculous in the opposite direction ...


On the bright side, now that I'm editing prefab .xml files, I'll likely be able to make different biomes more distinct and hopefully contain exclusive loot with time.


Now THAT is good news. :)

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I'm playing some vanilla A10.3 right now, and the first POI I discovered is on the scale of Diersville in the old fixed Navezgane map. D:


Yeah, same, and I suspect that may be the common case, as I think I've visited 3 different POI's in my tests under 10.3, and all of them were massive.


I thought that there weren't enough POIs in random gen in A9.3, but this is ridiculous in the opposite direction ...


Yeah, agreed, but I personally liked the building distribution how it was in 9.3.


Excessive looting gets rather dull if it isn't interspersed with exploration and the way it looks now, it appears the exploration has been taken almost entirely out of the equation.

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Excessive looting gets rather dull if it isn't interspersed with exploration and the way it looks now, it appears the exploration has been taken almost entirely out of the equation.


I totally agree with the excessive-looting-is-dull concept, but I felt that in 9.3 I was just running endlessly along roads, which lead to other roads, which crossed rivers occasionally, leading to more roads, forever and ever, with nothing to loot except piles of garbage, stumps, bags and other random litter.


It might be the terrain generation; it's a bit tamer than Minecraft's gen, leading to rather samey looking terrain all over, with only the occasional interesting feature...

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I totally agree with the excessive-looting-is-dull concept, but I felt that in 9.3 I was just running endlessly along roads, which lead to other roads, which crossed rivers occasionally, leading to more roads, forever and ever, with nothing to loot except piles of garbage, stumps, bags and other random litter.


It might be the terrain generation; it's a bit tamer than Minecraft's gen, leading to rather samey looking terrain all over, with only the occasional interesting feature...


I can hear that, but what I did like about it is that you had to plan for your expeditions. Like when me and Icy were playing co-op back in 9.3 with that video series, we had to really think about leaving our little barn and explore multiple paths before we came across a decent POI.


The way it stood in 10.2, you could essentially just follow a random road and be virtually guaranteed of finding another POI before night fall, and usually within just a few in-game hours.


In 10.3 on the other hand, you don't have much reason to leave the very first POI you come across at all, or at least not for a very long time.


While I definitely agree the game would benefit from more visual diversity in terrain generation, in terms of gameplay, the 9.3 building density was what I preferred. It also provided additional incentive for risking the city, as you knew that if you wanted guaranteed loot opportunities, that was really the only place to go.

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[**** NEW RELEASE ****]


Version 1.16 of Better Than Giant Bees is ready for download!


Download Link


This release contains the following changes:


NOTE: The installation method for this version of the mod differs from previous versions given I've made changes to some additional parts of the game. Please consult the install directions found in the readme.


-Updated the mod the version 10.3 of 7 Days to Die. Note that 10.3 makes some rather significant changes to building density and the availability of previously rare building types, so it will likely take me a few releases to get things properly balanced for that.


-Added a sound for when the bleeding buff is applied to make it a little more obvious. It was easy for the icon to appear and for the player to end up dying because they didn't realize they were bleeding to death, which seems like something you should probably be aware of :)


-Added a new ground coffee item that replaces coffee beans as a standard loot drop (found in kitchens and such), and which is used for brewing coffee. Coffee beans may also be crafted into ground coffee.


-Added a new Metal Working book which teaches the recipes for making the standard iron tools (pick, shovel, fireaxe, and hoe).


-Added a new rare Gun Smithing book which teaches how to make shotgun molds.


-Added Firearm Maintenance and Ammunation Nation skill books to Shotgun Messiah (gun store) loot, so if you're missing those skills, it's a good place to look.


-Added Intro to Carpentry and Home Maintenance Vol I books to Working Stiffs (hardware store) loot.


-Added dobermans and crawlers back into the burnt forest biome. I'm not down with the whole making biomes less distinct thing.


-Changed the molds for the various shotgun parts so that they do not require the corresponding shotgun parts to create. This means that if you get to the point in the progression where you have a working forge and the gun smithing book, you can create a shotgun without necessarily having to find one (or the various parts of one) in loot given the overall rarity of firearms in the mod.


-Changed the skill books added by the mod to use colored versions of the standard book icon (the non-skill related one) to avoid visual confusion with stock books. This isn't a permanent solution mind you, as they don't exactly look great this way, but it will serve until 7 Days has a more flexible system for adding custom item icons.


-Changed a few more wood-based blocks to drop planks on destruction.


-Changed worn boots so you can scrap them for cloth.


-Changed the "specialty" shops in the game ("Working Stiffs" hardware store, "Shotgun Messiah" gun store, and the book store) to only appear within the city given that each of them contains items that allow you to bypass the progression, and to give added incentive to trying to make it into the city for the valuable loot that can be found there.


-Changed augers, chainsaws, pickaxes, and hoes to only spawn with the "Working Stiffs" hardware store, making them exclusive to the city as loot.


-Changed coffee beans so that they may be planted as they used to (actually, they weren't really disabled anyways due to an error on my part), and added a loot drop for them within the "Working Stiffs" hardware store. It's not the ideal location for them, but it'll do for now in gating access to them to the late game.


-Changed pharmacy containers to hold medical loot rather than books. I assume this was just an error in 10.3.


-Changed the cobblestone frame recipe to require the Home Maintenance volume II skill book to unlock.


-Changed Bacon & Eggs to emit a zombie attracting smell, like other meat based foods.


-Changed potted plants so that they'll fall without being supported from below.


-Changed the fireaxe to have a damage bonus vs "cloth" (vs actual cloth like curtains, and many blocks like trash piles), and the pickaxe to reduce damage against such materials, because it was rather odd that the pickaxe was more effective vs these blocks.


-Changed some of the stock skill books in the game to use custom items from the mod. This is strictly an internal change that shouldn't affect how things play, and was done to simplify my ongoing maintenance of the mod from version to version of 7 Days. It should also fix a couple of problems where the mouse-over description of a book wasn't the same as its actual contents.


-Changed the first aid kit recipe to require a car battery and a couple of pieces of forging iron, to match its sound effect and rather extreme power.


-Changed batteries so that they produce less lead when salvaged due to lead being over saturated in the game already.


-Changed some doors to drop doorknobs on destruction (the ones with brass handles), and removed door knobs from random loot.


-Changed candles to be unlocked through a skill book since they are currently superior to torches in every way.


-Changed torches and candles to be in the furniture/decoration recipe group.


-Changed (reduced) the stamina gain from alcohol consumption so that coffee is a more effective boost.


-Fixed a problem with a few pairs of colored pants where they were showing up with the wrong inventory icon. That was my bad due to failing to integrate some of the Pimp's previous changes properly.


-Removed the ability of vitamins to cure dysentery.


-Removed the shotguns on cop zombies. They only carry pistols now for balance with the general rarity of firearms in the mod.


-Removed scrap lead from junk loot (garbage etc.) due to lead being an over saturated resource.


Enjoy! :)

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Awesome work! Hopefully I'll get some time to try it out this week. My friends and I played on our own dedicated server this weekend and despite lowering loot to 25% and modding heavily to reduce pretty much everything, we still had a full sniper rifle and an auger by day 22. We've only found one of the new townships but it's been enough to sustain 3 of us for 3 game weeks! The first hardware store we found, despite my mods to the loot table, had an auger. The first bookstore had every book in duplicate. And the first gun store... a full sniper rifle.

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Awesome work! Hopefully I'll get some time to try it out this week. My friends and I played on our own dedicated server this weekend and despite lowering loot to 25% and modding heavily to reduce pretty much everything, we still had a full sniper rifle and an auger by day 22. We've only found one of the new townships but it's been enough to sustain 3 of us for 3 game weeks! The first hardware store we found, despite my mods to the loot table, had an auger. The first bookstore had every book in duplicate. And the first gun store... a full sniper rifle.


The POI density and size are unfortunately still a problem. I ran a few early game tests while developing this version, and honestly the most fun I had was the one game I started and where I managed to get through a couple of small POIs before coming across a big one.


I'd love to be able to tweak that aspect, but unfortunately I don't seem to have access to it in the .xml files at present.


At the least though, you shouldn't run into the above kind of problems with finding very late game loot almost immediately given I've moved all the high value shops into the city. Even then I will likely need to tone down their contents in the future as well as I've only made minor reductions to their loot abundance at present.


I really hope that the Pimps have a chance to put out another release shortly to correct some of these problems, as 10.3 feels really rushed IMO, but I'm also a little worried it may feel rushed cause they wanted to push it out the door before the holidays, and we won't be seeing anything more until afterwards.

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Yay! New update :)


Thanks, man!


[**** NEW RELEASE ****]

-Updated the mod the version 10.3 of 7 Days to Die. Note that 10.3 makes some rather significant changes to building density and the availability of previously rare building types, so it will likely take me a few releases to get things properly balanced for that.


I'd be careful about too much balance for this, they might change it in 10.4/5, specifically because:


I really hope that the Pimps have a chance to put out another release shortly to correct some of these problems, as 10.3 feels really rushed IMO, but I'm also a little worried it may feel rushed cause they wanted to push it out the door before the holidays, and we won't be seeing anything more until afterwards.


..I think any and all post-10.2 updates ARE and WILL BE rushed for the holidays.


Navezgane was constructed by hand as far as I know, and I would figure that's the density and features they're aiming for, and the current density feels much, much higher than Navezgane (just like 9.3 felt somewhat lower than Navezgane).

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..I think any and all post-10.2 updates ARE and WILL BE rushed for the holidays.


Navezgane was constructed by hand as far as I know, and I would figure that's the density and features they're aiming for, and the current density feels much, much higher than Navezgane (just like 9.3 felt somewhat lower than Navezgane).


Yeah, I hear that. I will likely pause updates for BTGB for a little while anyways with the new version of KSP coming out shortly. The next item I want to tackle is a farming rebalance, which got put on hold for the 10.3 update and I need to work my way back up to that point in my current save.


Just to say that I have a lot of additional stuff to take care of before making adjustments for building density so it's doubtful I'll commit any potentially wasted time to it before it stabilizes somewhat.


And I agree that Navezgane is the likely model for where they want it to be, as otherwise, you'd essentially need two differently balanced versions for the two world types.

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Well one good thing about the new larger POIs is that they seem to have a lot more zombies. I found one late in the day and didn't have time to play pied piper and there were too many to take on with melee, so I quickly found a barn and climbed to the second floor. Almost made it to the morning but they managed to collapse where I was standing. With the smaller POIs I used to be able to kill most of the zombies around pretty reliably because there wouldn't be as many.

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