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[MOD] Better Than Giant Bees: Hardcore Survival


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So a few little points. Love the mod but I included a few changes and thought you'd love to hear my feedback. I personally don't think the crossbow is inherently bad to include in the mod, but it is extremely useful and ammo is insanely easy to make. What I did was just reduce the frequency of feather drops, I eliminated them from everything except birds nest and garbage bags and I reduced them way down so that you may not even find any eggs or feathers in a birds nest.


What I was considering doing was actually removing that change but instead just reduce the max durability of the crossbow itself. I don't feel like you should be able to snipe down and entire hoard without needing to constantly repair the crossbow. So I was considering making it something like a 5 shotter.


The second thing I disagree with is the sleeping bag removal, being at 30 wellness is already a massive detriment so I removed that part of the mod.


Other then those two things the mod is great.

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What I was considering doing was actually removing that change but instead just reduce the max durability of the crossbow itself. I don't feel like you should be able to snipe down and entire hoard without needing to constantly repair the crossbow. So I was considering making it something like a 5 shotter.


IMO, that really isn't enough to make firearms of actual value. The crossbow is insanely powerful in that it has the range and power of a hunting rifle, and is 100% accurate. Reload speed doesn't really matter when you are dealing with shambling hordes.


As for constantly repairing or whatever, when the materials are so easy to come by, it once again doesn't matter. I suspect with your changes firearms will remain just as useless as ever, and given all the system that revolve around firearms (forging, ammo crafting, mining, etc.), I think that's just terrible for the game.


So yes, we definitely disagree here :)


The second thing I disagree with is the sleeping bag removal, being at 30 wellness is already a massive detriment so I removed that part of the mod.


When you can just respawn at a fully stocked base, the wellness penalty is really not that big a deal either. Respawning in a random location and having to work your way back on the other hand is a significant penalty that takes time to recover from and which doesn't permit gamey behavior like plopping a bed down next to the wasteland before running in with a "whatever...if I die I just pop back here".


Honestly, if I could, I'd love to get rid of the map entirely to make death have even more of a punch, so that you couldn't just find your way back without a system of land marks or what have you.


So yeah, we definitely disagree on that one too :)

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The ability to make gravel with small stones and concrete bricks is a extremely powerful tool early/mid-game. While due to its properties you cannot build complex structures, its easy attainability makes it a excellent replacement for wood frames in most cases. For example: Scaling buildings, plugging holes in walls, making gravel walls (with no ceiling) for a night. Couple this with the ability to make log spikes from the start and you can make a pretty feasible base if you set up shop in a POI.


No reason to mine the surface rocks really (even for the production of gravel) as the lack of resources early/mid game forces you to be nomadic, running from POI to POI between the biomes.


The only real threat currently (unless zombies are on Always Running) is the Infection Debuff which, although a slow one, on the lower loot %s is quite hard to cure with no airdrops.


Even if you were to only get the books for pottery and forging and none of the others it's pretty much end-game currently. This is mostly due to the ability to build decent fortifications with gravel and wood log spikes alone.


Just some sloppily collected thoughts really.

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The ability to make gravel with small stones and concrete bricks is a extremely powerful tool early/mid-game. While due to its properties you cannot build complex structures, its easy attainability makes it a excellent replacement for wood frames in most cases. For example: Scaling buildings, plugging holes in walls, making gravel walls (with no ceiling) for a night. Couple this with the ability to make log spikes from the start and you can make a pretty feasible base if you set up shop in a POI.


Yeah, I hear you on this one, and it's something I've been considering myself. Problem is that it isn't just limited to gravel, but extends to other blocks like dirt as well.


Will continue to consider the alternatives as I further develop the mod as obviously it can be used to bypass a lot of the construction limitations I have in place.


EDIT: You're right though, in that at least for now I can get rid of those particular recipes in order to reduce the total number of exploits available, even if I can't limit them entirely. At least with dirt it would require digging up a fair amount of land in order to create your barricades.

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smashing your glass jars like a manly man every time you boil an egg gets rather old,



Totally irrelevant to the discussion of the mod (other than fried eggs are awesome) but that one line made me giggle more than anything.


And I will still be giggling in the hours to come. Every time I boil an egg. And smash my glass jar, because that's how I know the egg is cooked. The jar explodes.

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Totally irrelevant to the discussion of the mod (other than fried eggs are awesome) but that one line made me giggle more than anything.


Hehe...thanks. It's actually a reference to a video series me and IcyNewYear have been doing on 7 Days.


They're a little dated now with the older videos using no mods, and the newer ones using pre-release versions of BTGB from before Alpha 10 when I could only modify recipes, but if you found that amusing, I suspect you'll likely get several laughs out of them:




At one point we had a long jag about smashing jars like manly men every time we drank from them, back before you got the bottles returned to you ;)

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IMO, that really isn't enough to make firearms of actual value.


When you can't get ammo to fire the weapon then yes it does force you to, at the very least, use multiple weapons instead of focusing on a single one.


At the present time I'm finding that I'm only using the crossbow when incredibly needed instead of whenever I see a zombie I just snipe it from 100m away just for the lulz. I might actually retract that durability idea because of how effective limiting the spawn rate on feathers ended up being. I've actually made shotgun shells less common and easier to resupply then crossbow bolts.


When you can just respawn at a fully stocked base, the wellness penalty is really not that big a deal either. Respawning in a random location and having to work your way back on the other hand is a significant penalty that takes time to recover from and which doesn't permit gamey behavior like plopping a bed down next to the wasteland before running in with a "whatever...if I die I just pop back here".


Theres a point where difficult becomes annoying. Even some of the most difficult but fun games have straddled that line well. Take the Demon Souls trilogy, the game rewarded skill but in the case of a mistake dying was a penalty, reduced HP and loss of on hand souls. It was a nut shot but it didn't castrate you.


Also if you play with a full loot drop config then you always need to go back to your corpse to get all your gear.

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Theres a point where difficult becomes annoying. Even some of the most difficult but fun games have straddled that line well.


Yup, and that line varies from person to person, and we obviously have very different perspectives on where it is.


In the case of the two points you mentioned, there's really no way you could convince me the game is more fun with the options the way you've set them, as I feel the exact opposite is true.


Also if you play with a full loot drop config then you always need to go back to your corpse to get all your gear.


I always do play with that option, and even then, do not think it's close to enough.


IMO, if what happens when you die and respawn is "too much" for you, and you are adjusting it downwards as a result, then you are dying way too much, likely because the penalty you're used to isn't severe enough, and thus you take death too lightly.


My current game I'm at no deaths in 14 days, and in my many play throughs of BTGB's very early game (the first couple of days), I'm at about 100% survival rate (in the recent ones anyways...earlier play throughs I died several times). Part of the reason for this is that death is a pain in the ass, thus I try to avoid it, thus it motivates me to play smarter and become a better player. This makes the times when I am alive and in dangerous situations much more tense, and thus more fun.


Unless death is feared at some level, then that tension never really occurs. To me, dropping loot and wellness penalties are at best a mild nuisance, not the punch in the face that is required to convince the player that death is to be avoided.

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IMO, if what happens when you die and respawn is "too much" for you, and you are adjusting it downwards as a result, then you are dying way too much, likely because the penalty you're used to isn't severe enough, and thus you take death too lightly.


You're 100% right. I definitely don't take the game in general as serious as I used to. This game has so much potential and I've watched it evolve over time and keep coming back to it every few months to mess around a little more. I'm still waiting for the skills system to be implemented so I can create a system where you lose a % of your skills when you die, that would be a real punch in the teeth.

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You're 100% right. I definitely don't take the game in general as serious as I used to. This game has so much potential and I've watched it evolve over time and keep coming back to it every few months to mess around a little more. I'm still waiting for the skills system to be implemented so I can create a system where you lose a % of your skills when you die, that would be a real punch in the teeth.


Yeah, I can hear that. I'm trying to shape the current skill system into something a little less random, but that's a rather tough thing to do with the way it currently works.


Having said that though, I'd really recommend giving BTGB a solid try with the settings the way I have them. I think you'll find that stuff like eliminating the crossbow and the death penalty I have in place have some very interesting, and in some cases subtle, impacts on the way the game plays, that I think a guy like you (who obviously like challenge), would appreciate.


Like with the guns: in my current game I'm really considering every round I fire off. Should I take down a deer because my food supplies are running low? Should I take out a spider zombie at range so I don't risk him bringing a hoard into the area if he screams when I run up to kill him with my knife? Should I take out that bee that's been buzzing around my base and which may wind up hitting me when I'm engaged with a zombie? Should I save up my ammo for a run into the wasteland in the hopes of scoring more guns/ammo?


I'm going to be emphasizing those kind of choices even further in future releases, and I think they bring a great deal of interesting decision making into the game that really wasn't present before.

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At one point we had a long jag about smashing jars like manly men every time we drank from them, back before you got the bottles returned to you ;)


Oh lordy. He spawned in such a NICE area. Deer and pigs and forest stuff everywhere! Though, watching him punch grass when he has a stone axe is painful.

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Oh lordy. He spawned in such a NICE area. Deer and pigs and forest stuff everywhere! Though, watching him punch grass when he has a stone axe is painful.


Well, he was an extremely new player at that point that had a lot of Minecraft habits to overcome. He's gotten way better since then :)


I can't say that if I wanted to rip out some grass in the consensus reality that the first thing that would come to mind is "I really should use an axe for this" ;)

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Well, I've played all day with this mod and I love it! But I do have a few questions/comments. For reference, I'm using your settings but using the Navezgane map and restarting on death.


First off, does the removal of the sleeping bag respawn system also mean there's no effective way to prevent spawns around your base? I assume so because I tried setting an old bed down in a gas station I was holed up in for the night and in the morning I had two zombies inside. It's possible they came in from outside, but that would have required some hurdling.


Secondly, what is your progression like in the first few days? I can't build anything so I seek a POI for shelter, but I can't reliably clear the crowd of zombies at the POIs with just a wooden club and I can't sneak in since they're pretty much all boarded up now. I couple of hits on day one can be a real problem and with the wonky hit boxes it's really hard to not get hit at all if I'm fighting 10+ zombies. I'm not complaining, just curious how you deal with day one shelter?


Lastly, if the crossbow was gated to mid game, had a much longer reload time, and was not pinpoint accurate do you think it would be viable? I'm wondering if it could be modded to act like a shotgun but with a single ray and obviously a tighter spread. Not necessarily for this mod, more for my own server. I know it's classified as a launcher instead of ranged, not sure how that affects spread. Or if I could make it a single shot ranged weapon and still have projectile flight time.


Great job and keep it up!

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[**** NEW RELEASE ****]


Version 1.13 of Better Than Giant Bees is ready for download!


Download Link


This release contains the following changes:


-Added a new "Intro To Carpentry" skill book which serves to break up the ability to build structures from scratch into two separate books since it's such a powerful skill to acquire. The carpentry book gives the ability to create wood planks and stuff like storage chests, while Home Maintenance provides the ability to create wood frames (which is valuable on its own due to me upping the number of wood plank drops you have access to in a change below). This is similar to how Metalworking and Pottery books work hand in hand.


-Changed (increased) the chance of finding skill books slightly once again, given there is another one to learn in total.


-Changed the way skill book loot works so that regular skill books can be found in book shelves, but rare books/blueprints can only be found in safes (which won't contain common ones either). This creates more of a skill progression since safes are extremely difficult to "crack" at the start of the game and get progressively easier as you get better tools (largely dependent on the accumulation of common skills). It will also make finding rare books more consistent and less random in the late game as I've given them a greater chance of being in safes than before.


-Changed the storage crate recipes (the ones for specific items with icons on the side) to be unlocked with home maintenance 2 to help spread out the progression a little more.


-Changed (reduced) the overall number of pain killers you find in loot, as they were rather overabundant.


-Changed the first aid kit recipe to use painkillers instead of blood bags, since the latter are effectively no longer in the mod (see change below).


-Changed the first aid kit recipe to be unlocked with the "Intro To Chemistry" skill book, since you can't make it without knowing how to make grain alcohol anyways. This helps to reduce recipe menu clutter at the start of the game.


-Changed small safes (desk and wall) so that they won't contain large weapons or weapon parts. I did this both for consistency, and to up the relative value of the loot you can find in gun safes (which can contain the larger weapons).


-Changed the probability of the different animals spawning so that rabbits are much more common than pigs which are more common than deer, basically following their value in terms of resources. This provides more of an "Oh! A deer!" response, rather than "Oh...a deer", and makes stuff like ammunition conservation a more interesting aspect of the game since whether to expend rounds on rabbits, or wait for higher value game is now more of a thing.


-Changed the glass pane loot in garbage to broken glass as the panes were potentially prone to exploits, and I suspect just represented a typo in the first place.


-Changed the Wood Log Spike recipe to be unlocked through the "Urban Guerrilla" book rather than being available at start, given it's a very powerful defensive tool. This also ups the value and satisfaction of finding that book given mines are largely useless :)


-Changed the Wood Log Spike recipe to be in the "Tool/Traps" recipe category instead of the Miscellaneous one, given it's a trap.


-Changed one of the broken windows (the ones found in prefab houses) to break like glass instead of wood, as it was behaving in an inconsistent manner relative to other windows and was making the most severely damaged windows harder to break than the less damaged ones.


-Changed several wood blocks (namely wood frames and boarded up barricades) to drop planks on destruction. This fits in with the change to the carpentry skill book so that you can scavenge planks from existing structures to build with and repair existing structures before you can create them yourself. This also ups the reward of breaking down blocks slightly as you're going around scavenging and such to make it a little more gratifying. Let me know if you run into any blocks that really feel like they should be dropping planks that I might have missed as there are a ton of them to go through.


-Removed the pistol and ammo drops from bloated walkers in my ongoing effort to reduce the overabundance of firearms in the game.


-Removed the flashlight drops from bloated walkers as well, as there are just too damn many flashlights in the game, despite how much I enjoy tormenting Icy with them :)


-Removed blood bags and blood draw kits from the loot you can find, as while slurping down random people's unrefrigerated blood for its health benefits was amusing, they were just rather unnecessary and exploity in practice with the whole "I'm going to draw my blood now so I can have a blood slurpy if I get hungry later" thing. I had been throwing them away when I found them due to being "too lame to use", so that's always a pretty good sign I should remove something ;)


-Removed the chance of animals spawning dead. Turns out this was accessible through the config files after all, and was just making things way too easy as you'd tend to find animal carcasses all over the place for free food and leather.


-Removed the respawn on animals so that over-hunting an area will leave it depleted, which promotes exploration, puts additional pressure on the player's food supply mid-game, makes acquiring leather and leather armor a bigger deal, and incentivizes moving towards self-sufficiency through farming.


-Removed the animal spawns entirely from wasteland (only rabbits were spawning in wastelands previously) and burnt forest biomes to give them a more daunting vibe and to make surviving within them slightly more difficult.


-Removed the recipes for converting stones, cinder blocks and destroyed stone to gravel to limit gravel's effectiveness as an early-game method of creating barricades. If you want gravel for making cement or what have you, you'll have to specifically harvest it from the environment.


-Removed the bowl recipe as it's not being used by anything in the mod.


Enjoy! :)

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First off, does the removal of the sleeping bag respawn system also mean there's no effective way to prevent spawns around your base?


Unfortunately, it does. I do wish there were a more reliable way to do that in 7 Days, like Minecraft's torch/lighting system. Even with beds enabled, it's not really an effective base defense solution.


Secondly, what is your progression like in the first few days? I can't build anything so I seek a POI for shelter, but I can't reliably clear the crowd of zombies at the POIs with just a wooden club and I can't sneak in since they're pretty much all boarded up now. I couple of hits on day one can be a real problem and with the wonky hit boxes it's really hard to not get hit at all if I'm fighting 10+ zombies. I'm not complaining, just curious how you deal with day one shelter?


Well, there's a couple of tricks that work really well to clear an area of zombies. One I use is to go through the town collecting a huge horde behind me, then lead them down a road before sprinting off in that direction and taking a wide circle back into the town.


The other I use is to chase wildlife into the town so that the zombies go after it and lead them out of it.


There are generally always a few stragglers left which you can deal with much more effectively with just melee weapons than a horde.


But yeah, my general strategy is to draw zombies away from a POI rather than to try and fight them head on.


Lastly, if the crossbow was gated to mid game, had a much longer reload time, and was not pinpoint accurate do you think it would be viable?


Maybe, but it would require some heavy duty nerfing. Again, the problem from me comes down to how many interesting systems it effectively negates, at which point, any fantasies we have of imitating a Walking Dead character get tossed out the window, as to me the additional gameplay exposed with its removal trumps all such concerns ;)


To my mind the game just doesn't need a crossbow and it does a heck of a lot of damage to other systems, so why have it? If/when the Pimps put in additional systems like gravity affecting the bolt, I might consider putting it back in, but for now it's just more hassle than it's worth IMO.


Great job and keep it up!


Thanks man! Glad you're enjoying it :)

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Unfortunately, it does. I do wish there were a more reliable way to do that in 7 Days, like Minecraft's torch/lighting system. Even with beds enabled, it's not really an effective base defense solution.

Its a shame you can't transfer the bed zed spawn blocking ability to placed toilets :D

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Been playing with your mod for about 6 hours now and I think this is what TFP might have been doing if they didn't have to worry about making everyone happy, just a good singleplayer focused experience. Anyway, I really like that skillbooks are pretty much gating everything, not only does it make looting and gameplay as a whole a lot more varied but it makes logical sense, you're now by yourself, you have to LEARN to survive, it almost makes it like a story. I guess my only complaint with it would be you can have a stroke of bad luck and not find some basic skill book that you really need. Perhaps in the future we can have a library prefab where certain basic skillbooks will always be found.


One quick suggestion, first aid bandages should be made out of bandages and aloe rather than cloth and aloe.

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I guess my only complaint with it would be you can have a stroke of bad luck and not find some basic skill book that you really need. Perhaps in the future we can have a library prefab where certain basic skillbooks will always be found.


Well, I don't entirely disagree. The current skill system is a bit too random for my taste, and while I don't object to a bit of variance (I consider scavenging to be a pretty fundamental part of the game), I do feel that while the gated progression is a step in the right direction, that additional systems would help it out. At present though, I'm rather limited in what I can do strictly through the config files the Pimps have provided in Alpha 10.


I am still actively tweaking it however to try and find a sweat spot which is why we're seeing stuff like new skill books and altered probabilities for books with each release of the mod. The additional skill books help, as it allows me to bump up the probability of finding one without breaking the progression down. This helps to keep the sense of satisfaction up and reduce long stretches of finding zip in the way of skill books.


Having said all that though: really, you have all the skills you need to survive indefinitely at the start of the game, so there aren't any books you actually *need*, just ones that are highly desirable to advance :)


One quick suggestion, first aid bandages should be made out of bandages and aloe rather than cloth and aloe.


Yup, I agree. I'll make sure that gets in for next release.

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I like the sound of this, except removing spawn point beds. Admittedly, I usually play on one life games anyways so it doesn't matter, I just really dislike the spawning randomly into the wildness mechanic xD Like, how am I suppose to RP that? Whoops, zombie got me, now I'm 2 miles away in the desert. XD

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I don't understand how you guys can survive with a single life. It's not the zombies that end up being the problem for me, it's the dogs. I like the majority of the mod so far but I wish I can find a way to reliably turn off the dogs.

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I don't understand how you guys can survive with a single life. It's not the zombies that end up being the problem for me, it's the dogs. I like the majority of the mod so far but I wish I can find a way to reliably turn off the dogs.

I play with all the specials turned off and zombies on always walk, but I increase the difficulty everywhere else insanely. I love the walking dead and George Romero style of zombie fun, not the pulse pounding shooter type. I usually last about 3~5 hours before I loss my character, usually to a group cornering me in a prefab. It's a really fun, challenging way to play! And super tense when you are trapped, have no ammo, and the zombies are slowly smashing their way into pinning you in the little room you are trapped in, causing you to loss everything. A lot more fun then being jumped by a dog and respawning back at the base grumbling about having to go pick up your back pack.


To turn dogs off is pretty simple. This nips them at the bud, rather then trying to track down all the spawn references, just delete them from the lists the game uses to decide what is spawned.



Open entitygroup.xml, start at the top and remove all lines in red. Repeat with any enemy that displeases you. OR do what I did and replace them with the fat Hawaiian shirt zombies.


NOTE: Don't leave an entire 'group' blank. I think that can cause crashes. Put some random zombie in there if you have to. xD



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>




<entitygroup name="ZombiesAll">

<entity name="zombie04" />

<entity name="zombie05" />

<entity name="zombie06" />

<entity name="zombie07" />

<entity name="zombiegal01" />

<entity name="zombiegal02" />

<entity name="zombiegal03" />

<entity name="zombiegal04" />

<entity name="fatzombie" />

<entity name="zombiecrawler" />



<entitygroup name="ZombiesNight">

<entity name="zombie04"/>

<entity name="zombie05" />

<entity name="zombie06" />

<entity name="zombie07" />

<entity name="zombiegal01" />

<entity name="zombiegal02" />

<entity name="zombiegal03" />

<entity name="zombiegal04" />

<entity name="fatzombie" />

<entity name="hornet" prob="0.05" />

<entity name="zombiedog" prob="0.05" />

<entity name="zombiecrawler" />




<entitygroup name="ZombiesWasteland">

<entity name="zombie04" />

<entity name="zombie05" />

<entity name="zombie06" />

<entity name="zombie07" />

<entity name="zombiegal01" />

<entity name="zombiegal02" />

<entity name="zombiegal03" />

<entity name="zombiegal04" />

<entity name="fatzombie" />

<entity name="hornet" />

<entity name="zombiedog" />

<entity name="zombiecrawler" />

<entity name="fatzombiecop" />

<entity name="burntzombie" />



<entitygroup name="ZombiesWastelandNight">

<entity name="zombie04" prob="0.05"/>

<entity name="zombie05" prob="0.05"/>

<entity name="zombie06" prob="0.05"/>

<entity name="zombie07" prob="0.05"/>

<entity name="zombiegal01" prob="0.05"/>

<entity name="zombiegal02" prob="0.05"/>

<entity name="zombiegal03" prob="0.05"/>

<entity name="zombiegal04" prob="0.05"/>

<entity name="fatzombie" prob="0.05"/>

<entity name="hornet" prob="0.15"/>

<entity name="zombiedog" prob="0.15"/>

<entity name="zombiecrawler" prob="0.05"/>

<entity name="fatzombiecop" prob="0.15"/>

<entity name="burntzombie" prob="0.05"/>



<entitygroup name="ZombiesWastelandNight2">

<entity name="zombie04" prob="0.03"/>

<entity name="zombie05" prob="0.03"/>

<entity name="zombie06" prob="0.03"/>

<entity name="zombie07" prob="0.03"/>

<entity name="zombiegal01" prob="0.03"/>

<entity name="zombiegal02" prob="0.03"/>

<entity name="zombiegal03" prob="0.03"/>

<entity name="zombiegal04" prob="0.03"/>

<entity name="fatzombie" prob="0.15"/>

<entity name="hornet" prob="0.15"/>

<entity name="zombiedog" prob="0.20"/>

<entity name="zombiecrawler" prob="0.03"/>

<entity name="fatzombiecop" prob="0.2"/>

<entity name="burntzombie" prob="0.03"/>



<entitygroup name="ZombiesHoard">

<entity name="zombie04" prob="0.1"/>

<entity name="zombie05" prob="0.1"/>

<entity name="zombie06" prob="0.1"/>

<entity name="zombie07" prob="0.1"/>

<entity name="zombiegal01" prob="0.1"/>

<entity name="zombiegal02" prob="0.1"/>

<entity name="zombiegal03" prob="0.1"/>

<entity name="zombiegal04" prob="0.1"/>

<entity name="fatzombie" prob="0.1"/>

<entity name="fatzombiecop" prob="0.05"/>

<entity name="hornet" prob="0.05"/>

<entity name="zombiedog" prob="0.05"/>

<entity name="zombiecrawler" prob="0.1"/>



<entitygroup name="ZombieScouts">

<entity name="spiderzombie" />



<entitygroup name="ZombiesCrawlersDogs">

<entity name="zombiedog" prob="0.04"/>

<entity name="zombiecrawler" prob="0.1"/>



<entitygroup name="ZombiesBurntForest">

<entity name="burntzombie" prob="0.1"/>

<entity name="zombiedog" prob="0.02"/>

<entity name="zombiecrawler" prob="0.05"/>



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I like the sound of this, except removing spawn point beds. Admittedly, I usually play on one life games anyways so it doesn't matter, I just really dislike the spawning randomly into the wildness mechanic xD Like, how am I suppose to RP that? Whoops, zombie got me, now I'm 2 miles away in the desert. XD


You can roleplay that you're a guy sitting at a desk playing a modded video game in which you just spawned two miles away.


There you go. Most realistic roleplaying experience ever.


I also enjoy popping into mod threads going on about how they are completely different mods than the one I want. Thanks for stopping by.

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I don't understand how you guys can survive with a single life. It's not the zombies that end up being the problem for me, it's the dogs. I like the majority of the mod so far but I wish I can find a way to reliably turn off the dogs.


That one is pretty straight forward actually: avoid areas in which there are dogs :)


Barring any silly mistakes I am pretty sure I can survive indefinitely in the mod with just the starting skills, but I pretty much never go into the wasteland or burnt forest unless I am completely decked out with kit and ammo and am exceedingly careful around POI's like junk yards.


If I spawn in the wasteland, I use my patented technique of running like hell until I am out of it :)


IMO, the dogs are very much a part of the experience and I wouldn't want to turn them off. It's like, as is probably obvious from the mod title, I don't much care for giant bees as a thematic element, and would much prefer they were another creature type. HOWEVER, I do acknowledge that they fill an extremely valuable gameplay function and thus would never want to disable them entirely.


In the case of dogs, they're largely what brings an additional level of danger to certain parts of the world introducing a much needed aspect of diversity into gameplay.

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