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server game won't load


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Ok so here is my issue. My server game will not load. I can load the game to the main menu and then I can click join game and then I am also able to click on my server to select it but here is where it seems messed up. First, this server is mine. It is an MP server. It is a hosted server that I pay for. It is hosted by Citadel Servers. I can have up to 20 people playing. The name of the server in case you need it is Jyntheas 7D2D Server. So when I click to select my server, for whatever crazy reason, it does not show anything in the section for game mode, nor does it show anything in the description box. Both of these should be filled. My husband whom I play with normally sees all of this and has no issue, even as of now, getting onto the server to play. So there is that issue and the only reason I mention it is because I am not sure if maybe it is related the bigger issue I have of not even being able to get into the game. So when I click to actually start the game it goes to the connecting to server screen and that is as far as it gets. I do not get any errors whatsoever so I am clueless as to what exactly is going on. Last night I let it sit for more than 10 minutes and still it did nothing. Just a little bit ago though, I decided to hit the F1 key to bring up the console and in the console it seemed to say that I am connecting to the server. After that there is some stuff about read and write that I saw and that was all. Nothing else was going on as far as anything that seemed to be loading or showing it was loading in the console. When this all began last night, I had not been on in a couple months. My server did not even seem to be up actually despite it showing it was so I used the update server feature that is on my hosts site and it gave me some pop up about if I was updating to experimental, which I was, to start a new save game per the devs notes for A17 B250. I tried searching for those notes and ya, they are lost somewhere in the forums so I did not do that. I am honestly not even sure how to start a new save game on my server. I then tried to get on and that is when I discovered this issue initially. But then what I did end up doing though was to completely reinstall the service, which I am assuming means that it wipes everything and reinstalls the game on the servers. So would that be the same as starting a new game? To be honest, I am unsure if doing that means I need to update it again though, like if it wipes the update I previously did or not. I do not at present have any mods installed. However, having said that, i did notice in my lurking around the folders on my server that in the save games folder there are files that were from the mods I did install after I had reinstalled the service. So not sure why they did not get removed. I have tried to disable the EAC service in my game and of course fix the setting in steam to reflect that and that did not help. I also tried resetting my network settings my computer. I have Windows 10 64bit Insider build 18353.19h1_release.190305-1346. I realize using an insider build is probably not supported and that it can cause issues. In fact, it has in the past with the EAC thing. 99% of the time, it does not cause ANY issues. So I have also verified the game files, that did not fix anything. I even ended up completely uninstalling and reinstalling the game from my own computer. I even went so far as to delete folders that the uninstaller left behind in every place I know files and folders get put for the game and then I used CCleaner to remove the leftover registry files. I did this because I wanted a fresh install obviously. Also of note is that I can play a single player game just fine. Then too, my husband who I mentioned I play with normally, has none of these issues. He can see all the stuff on the server browser that I am unable to and he can get into the game just fine as can other random people. I am at my wits end here and just want to be able to play on the server I am paying for. Not exactly sure if any of what I did constitutes starting a new game or not but if not, I will gladly welcome info on how to do that.



Here is the link to the server out put log from my hosted server https://pastebin.com/MhfCWyrd

Here is the log from my Windows game installation https://pastebin.com/eAV93G28



I hope that covers everything and that someone can help me. I have already emailed support on my server too just in case they can help. Thanks in advance for any and all help!

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I'll be honest, that wall of text isn't readable. I'm not even attempting it.


Your logs show nothing really. Server starts up just fine, and the last line of the log is when it's up and ready to accept connections. There is no attempt at connecting being shown, and there is also a lack of any shutdown information.

In the client log, it's basically the same. You start the game, go to the server browser, and then there's no more information at all. Nothing indicating an attempt at connecting, and nothing indicating the client was shut down properly either.


I see you did remove SteamNetworking from the disabled protocols, so that isn't the issue. (Very common connection issue is leaving that in.)


This pretty much leaves the network. Which is about a thousand things.

Here's a short list.

Ports aren't open/forwarded.

Program isn't allowed in firewall

Client/Server isn't excluded from AV software and that's locking it up.

And a huge list of other things that I cover here.


I tried again to read your wall, and no. It's not going to happen. That junk just gives me a headache. Try using some structure. (Posting from mobile isn't a valid excuse earlier, we aren't using Blackberries anymore.)

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Well, you'll be happy to know that I solved the issue all by myself. Must say that while I get you clearly do not like my block of text, pretty ♥♥♥♥ty you will not bother with it. Just goes to show the lack of respect and care ppl have these days. It's whatever though because like I said, got it fixed.


P.S. hope that block of text up above is not too much for you....

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  • 3 months later...

So...what was the resolution?


Well, you'll be happy to know that I solved the issue all by myself. Must say that while I get you clearly do not like my block of text, pretty ♥♥♥♥ty you will not bother with it. Just goes to show the lack of respect and care ppl have these days. It's whatever though because like I said, got it fixed.


P.S. hope that block of text up above is not too much for you....


So...what was the resolution?

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  • 2 weeks later...
this ^ sorry for slight necro but I'm having the same dang issue of me trying to join getting the "connecting to server" then just booting me to main menu.


@ThatLoopyDude I simply reloaded the Server from Scratch. It was a 16A server that I could not get 17A to run remotly. Might have been a bit draconian but formatting the C:\ Drive and fresh install of Win10 then 7DTD seems to have done the trick for me.

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