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So, this started on Monday. We got ready to play and logged onto the server only to find that I had massive input lag. After spending the entire day trying to figure out how to correct it so that I could actually play we finally did a hail mary and checked to see if Windows needed to be updated. That did the trick, or so it seemed. Today I started a game up for the first time since all that hassle and I'm back to having the lag. Its to the point where I can't really play because I end up daying before I can lay a hit. I'm wondering what is going on and how to fix it. I have NEVER had this issue before so I'm wondering what changed that would cause this.

Any help would be appreciated.

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I have done all of that. At this point I'm rather frustrated. As of the night of the 17 the game was running fine. There was no lag, nothing was causing issues. Then on the 18th I logged on around noon and that's when it started. Nothing had changed on my computer so I thought at first that it was either steam or the game itself. Everything related to the game and to steam was removed from my computer. I restarted and then reinstalled steam followed by reinstalling the game. Once the game was installed I did a verification of files and they were all fine. Still had the issue. Went through forums upon forums and various posts. Tried every adjustment suggested and once they didn't work set them back to how they were before the adjustment. Then did the windows update hailmary and it worked for a few minutes. Maybe longer but I was so frustrated that I didn't have the desire to play. Came back a few days later and it was the same BS. Went through more forums, more suggestions, tried them all and as they didn't work set things back to how they were before. Then thought about Norton. So went and did everything in norton involving the Silent Mode and Quiet Mode as well as adding the game into it. Its possible that these were the settings before but I don't remember and since I had deleted the game then I have no way of verifying. Now I can play for two minutes before the ungoddly lag hits. At this point the only thing left is something within the game. The thing is what changed between the night of the 17th and the day of the 18th? I hadn't changed the game in anyway, I had no updates (I'm on 17.1 (69)) I don't mess with the betas. So why is this all of a sudden happening and why is there no fixed. I came to this forum to try and get answers since this is the only way to get any support in game, but that isn't really working. So if I can't find out what changed with the game that would have caused this, how can I get in touch with the creators in order to get to the bottom of it? I love this game. I mean love it to the point where my boyfriend, son and I cancelled EVE and WoW because we decided this was the game we wanted to continue as a family. Now I can't play and there is no explaination as to why.

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Hope this is right

These are the log files. None of them are more than 5 minutes long because I don't stay on after lag.













That's all the log files that I have. like I said I had deleted both steam and the game in order to verify clean loads of both. I do not stay on once the lag starts because there is no point, that's why the logs are shorter than expected. As for the Speccy report, I know nothing of that program and so I am waiting for my boyfriend to get home from work to tell me if he knows anything about it and what he thinks before I download it.

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