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How to disable self repair of npc houses?


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Hello all,


I'm pretty new in the game but I really enjoy to farm materials in the 7d2d-world, especially farm all usefull things from existing houses (iron, glas, paper, mechanical stuff and so on). So I always farm everything out of a house, leaving it only with stone or wood walls/roofs.


Due to family and work I cant play daily so I thought about a way how to remember myself, which house is done/clear already and which is still open to farm.


I decided to destroy all kind of windows and doors at those houses. This way has 2 advantages for me:

a) I can easy see from outside, whether the house is done or not

b) I can see through the open windows, whether the zombies already respawned or not


The problem for me is: I realized, that the houses have some kind of self-repair, which means after some days the windows do spawn again. I made a smal test: cleaned some houses and set 24h time to 10min and waited some days.

When I went back to those houses, some had their full amount of windows back, while others didn't get them back.


Question: Is there a way to disable the self-repair of the houses?


I play in single mode with navezgane map. In Advanced options, the third option line (dont know the correct english description, cause I'm playing in german language settings) I can set a time for reappearing of loot.

Does this option also effect on self-repair of houses? I thought its only for loot in boxes, bagpacks, rubbish and so on and I set it to 15 days. But self-repair of houses is faster then these 15 days.

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Thanks SylenThunder for your answer. I didn't realize the quest restoring so far. All my quests sent me to new locations.


To bad that this house restoring is part of the main game function. I was hoping I can realize my wish with a simply change in settings. I have no knowledge about creating or using mods. But I will ask in the section you mentioned.

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