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I've possibly solved crashing / MD5. here's how.


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I gave up on the game 5 months ago after i couldn't deal with the game crashing every 45 minutes and losing my base every 3-4 crashes due to md5 error.


Recently I've upgraded my Xbox One to an Xbox One X and installed a 7200RPM hard drive to it. I decided to give the game another shot to see if it ran any better. To my surprise, I'm now 169 hours into a multiplayer split screen game with only 2 crashes and no MD5. Had I been running the older hardware, I would have had at least 40 crashes by now and surely several MD5 resets.


Also, the 2 crashes I've got so far only happen when I'm logged in for more than 4 hours straight. If I restart game every 3 hours or so, will probably be perfectly safe.


I feel like the 7200RPM hard drive might be the biggest help, some how. Maybe the extra speed helps the game run better before it overloads and crashes. It probably helps too that I'm running the more powerful XB1X as well.


I'm not saying to run out and buy a new console or hard drive, but the "GDrive" brand i got was only $20 and it's 1 terabyte. It's way better than the internal 5400RPM hard drive and ALL of my games load so much quicker.



I can now enjoy 7dtd again.


I don't know if this fixes it for sure. But it seems to have helped me greatly. Would love to hear if anyone else is running this combo...

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I steer away from base building in towns etc, and rarely get crashes (playing on the 1x by the way) this seems to help but doesn't guarantee you won't get an 'md5' wipe.

Instead when the game crashes i quit to main menu then go to game management and wipe the local game save, (sometimes you have to click on it twice) since doing this workaround i've put in about 100 hrs with no problems.

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